Chapter Ten: Gabriel/ Pete/ Gabriel

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A/N: Pete's part is just a little bit spicy, nothing crazy. There will be spicier moments to come :) 


After yawning, I started to open my locker when I suddenly heard a terrified voice scream, "GABRIEL!"

Quickly turning around, I watched as Cleo started running down the hallways towards me. She kept running into fellow classmates, who all gave her the stink eye. "What's wrong?" I asked while she almost collided into my body.

"Pete... Chad...van... outside," she said in between heavy breaths.

"Whoa, whoa Cleo. Slow down, what happened?"

She continued to heavily breathe before she said, "I was walking into school and I saw Pete talking to Chad. Remember Michael's partner? Well he basically pulled Pete into this white van that said Magnolia Behavioral Science on the front."


"He's in trouble; I don't think that Chad is nice. I think Chad is going to hurt him."

I could feel my chest start to tighten, as my heart hurt. Someone took Pete, he's in danger. "How... how are we going to find him?"

"I think if we look up this Magnolia place we can find out where it is. Maybe, I don't know. We just need to find him! Did your mom drive you today?"

"No," I said pretty much in shock. "I walked here with Pete. Oh god, what is he going to do with him?"

"Stay with me Gabriel," she said while giving me a strong look before getting onto her phone. She continued to type on her phone for a little while until she started typing a number into her phone. I could barely hear her talking to what sounded like the police, all I could think of was how scared Pete probably was. Before I could blink, I was suddenly being drug out of the school.

"You called a cab?" I heard myself ask while we were running towards the car.

"Yeah, my dad gave me some money today because I was going to go to the mall after school. That plus my lunch money and we should be good. I'd much rather spend it on this."

Once we were inside, Cleo started quickly saying where to go. I watched as we drove away from the school, still feeling numb inside. What would Chad want with Pete? How is he even bad, wasn't he a police officer? I wonder if Michael knew about this?

"You sure this is the place?" The cab driver suddenly asked, making me quickly look outside.

We were parked in front of a large castle like building, with a bunch of people in white coats walking around. It was very eerie looking, almost reminding me of the place we rescued Pete from before. We were basically in the middle of a large field, but we were still close to town. How could a place like this be so close to civilization, yet no one seemed to know about it? Or maybe people do know about it, and didn't want to do anything about it.

"Looks like it," Cleo said while throwing her money towards the driver. "Thank you and keep the change."

With that we ran out of the cab and started running towards the front door. Weirdly enough, all the people in white coats didn't try to stop us. They were walking in a straight line with their clipboards, mumbling to themselves. I quickly grabbed onto Cleo's arm, the same time she moved closer to me.

"Look," I whispered while motioning towards the unmarked cop car that was parked nearby. "Think that's Chad's car?"

Shaking her head, Cleo continued to walk by the strange people as she whispered, "He was driving that van." I followed her finger when she pointed towards the side of the building, where a big white van was parked. "Unless he drove that here and got the other van."

My Guardian Angel (boyxboy) *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora