Chapter Eight: Gabriel/ Pete

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"How's everything going at school?" Looking up, I watched as Wes came up to me before sitting on the floor in front of my body. I hadn't realized I was sitting on the floor for so long; everything seemed as a blur recently. There were days now where I sat for hours, just sitting and nothing else. Usually I would stare at the wall or make a lame attempt to do my homework. Maybe that's why I've been falling behind recently, and maybe that's why Wes is sitting in front of me.

Instead of replying to him, I looked back down at my lap while shaking my head. I was sitting at the top of the staircase, my back hurting from sitting against the edge of the wall for so long. Sitting up here was nice; I could always hear basically everything going on inside the house. I knew when Noah was baking or cooking by his off key singing. I knew when Cam was home because that weird Sim language would be coming from his room. I could also tell when Sebastian was over, or even Perry. Sitting up here took me away from everything, took me away from all the lousy thoughts I had been feeling lately. It also took away from my broken heart.

"I didn't come up here to lecture you or anything like that," Wes calmly said while I looked up into his eyes. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

I stayed silent, not exactly sure what I wanted to say. It was nice having Wes here, even if he seemed to intimidate practically everyone. He was a good guy, the kind of guy I wouldn't mind having as a father. There was always that sliver of wonder in my mind, always wondering what it would be like to have a father. Oh stop, you seriously want a dad? You drove away your mother; I don't think you deserve to have another parent.


"I don't know how to explain it," I whispered while staring at the banister. "I feel so empty inside; I haven't felt this way in a long time. This probably doesn't make any sense-"

"It does." I looked back up at Wes to see him now staring at his black socks, like they held all of life's answers. "I know exactly how you're feeling. My life hasn't always been as great as it is now. My parents abandoned me and I went into the foster care system because there wasn't anyone else. I got used in high school by someone I cared deeply for. I never thought things would get better, but they did. Gabriel, I'm not just making shit up. There will be hard moments in your life, but I promise you this. When everything falls apart and you feel like you'll never be able to rise up again, someone or something will change your perspective. I refused my husband so many times while in college; I'm surprised he didn't just give up on me. But that's the thing Gabriel; there are people in your life that will never stop fighting for you. And you shouldn't stop fighting for them."

It looked like he was about to say more until a loud crash came from the kitchen followed by a, "Son of a b-eer bottle."

A smile formed onto my face while hearing Noah's voice. He was always trying to hard not to curse; Cleo must be in the kitchen with him. "You okay babe?" Wes asked while trying to look down the stairs.

"I am okay! But I'm going to need your freakish height my dear."

Wes smiled before he started to stand up before the sound of a car pulling into the driveway made us look up. My body froze when I recognized my mom's car, before seeing her slowly walking up to the front door. It looked like she was carrying a box with her. Wes looked over at me when the doorbell suddenly rang. "You can't avoid her forever."

Biting my bottom lip, I looked away from the door to see him watching me like I was going to bolt. "Does it have to be now?"

"No. I'm not forcing anything on you. You'll talk to her when you're ready."

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