Chapter Thirteen: Lorenzo/ Gabriel

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"Is this really a good idea?" I nervously asked while staring up at the large house in front of us. "I mean, I don't think Cleo has a problem with me but I don't think her family likes me."

I glanced down at Gabriel, who was giving me a look. "Gee I wonder why? Maybe because you beat up her brother? Oh and also his boyfriend."

"I know," I said while leaning against the car. "I was in a bad place then. I'm different now."

Gabriel leaned against me, his cheek resting against my shoulder. "I know that, but I think it'd be better if the Yeager's heard it. And, I need to let my best friend know I'm engaged. If you're not okay with this, we can always go home."

Running a hand over my face, I took a deep breath before kissing him on the lips. "Let's go."

He smiled as he grabbed my hand, before walking up to the front door. I watched as he knocked and a few seconds later the door opened. Cleo smiled when she saw Gabriel, pulling him into a big hug. They talked in their weird little best friend language before she finally turned towards me. "Hi Reno." I was a little stunned when she wrapped her arms around my body in a hug.

"Uh hey."

"Come in guys, its cold out here."

Following her inside, I looked around the really nice house before hearing laughter from another room. I was getting nervous again, until Gabriel took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Do you guys want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm fine," I said as we continued to walk down the long hallway. "Geez are your parents rich or something?"

Cleo rolled her eyes as she stopped and leaned against the wall. I could see a beautiful kitchen behind her. They're either rich or really good at robbing banks. "My dad owns a bakery and my father is a lawyer."

"So rich."

She rolled her eyes again, a smile on her face. "Not rich, just lucky for everything. Come on, everyone's in the living room."

We followed her through the kitchen before turning a corner into another room. I instantly noticed Cameron was sitting on the couch with Hugo, both laughing. Those were the only people I recognized in the room, no one else looked familiar.

There was a guy with shaggy hair talking about Tangled, while another guy with a beard was sitting next to him. Then there was a guy with dark hair sitting on the other couch, shoving eggrolls into his mouth. There were two guys who looked like parents, sitting on the floor. It was then that I noticed a board game was spread across the floor.

They all stopped their talking and laughter once we entered, all eyes suddenly falling onto me. Cameron seemed a little confused, his boy toy Hugo almost instantly standing in front of him.

"Gabriel and Reno are here!" Cleo happily said as she walked over to the eggroll guy and sat next to him.

Everyone started saying hi to Gabriel, making me feel awesome. If I wanted to feel alone I would make Pete come back.

"Cleo, you didn't tell us that we were having company," one of the parental units said while standing up. He looked super intimidating, his dark eyes practically piercing right through me.

"Father, be nice. Everyone be nice okay? Reno just wanted to come by and say some things. Go ahead Reno," Cleo said with a smile.

I looked around at everyone's faces, their faces of practically disgust. Of course they would be disgusted by me, why wouldn't they be? Sometimes I'm disgusted with the man I turned out to be. Just as I was about to turn around, I caught the blue eyes of the man I loved. Just seeing his face made me instantly feel more confident.

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