Chapter Twelve: Lorenzo

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A/N: The picture is Reno's ring :)

"What if we wait, like a year or two? She doesn't have to know right away," a nervous Gabriel said as he continued to pace around the living room. "We can wait until I'm out of high school, what about that?"

Standing up, I walked over to him before wrapping my arms around his body. Looking into his nervous blue eyes, I pushed his long hair out of his eyes before kissing his forehead. "Do you really want to wait years to tell your mom we're engaged?"

He frowned before looking down, nodding his head. "No, I don't. I'd love to tell her but Reno," he then looked back up at me while his eyes were filling with tears. "What if she doesn't approve? What if she tried to kick me out or something, or what if she tries to hurt me?"

"She wouldn't dare," I said while pulling him to my chest. He shakily sighed while digging his fingers into my back. "Francine seems like a really reasonable person. I mean what other parent would leave just so a guy could fuck her son?"

A smile spread across my face when Gabriel's body shook with laughter. "I'm just scared," he whispered as he seemed to hold onto me tighter. "I don't want to lose her again. And also, I don't want to lose you."

"Hey," I said while tilting his head up so I was once again looking into his eyes. "Don't talk like that. I may not be able to be here every single day, but I'm not going to leave you. When I was gone before, that was my choice. I'm never going to make that choice again. I love you Gabriel, you're the only person that I've ever felt like a real person with. You make me feel so complete, something I've wanted to feel my entire life." Resting my forehead on his, I smiled while wrapping his hair around my ring finger. "If your mom really doesn't approve, we'll get through it. Okay? But I'm not ashamed to be with you, to be engaged to you. I don't give a fuck who knows, as long as you're okay with it. Because Gabriel, you are my life now."

I watched as tears were slowly running down his cheeks before he hid his face under my chin. "I love you," he whispered while I kissed his head. "And I want to tell her."

His body suddenly tensed when a car was pulling into the driveway. Looking out the living room window, I watched as Michael and Francine were getting out of the car. Looking down at Gabriel, I gave him a soft kiss before reaching down and gently taking his hand with mine. After our hands were linked, I kissed the string on his finger before giving him a smile. He smiled back, before it instantly faded the moment the door opened. His hand was clinging onto mine so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if I lost feeling in it. Like I care. As long as he felt safe.

When Michael and Francine walked in, they stopped talking to look at us. "Hi you two," she said with a big smile. She was also looking perplexed, probably because Gabriel was hiding halfway behind my body.

"Hi mom, hi Michael."

Michael smiled as well, taking off his coat and running a hand through his hair. "Hi guys."

"Gabriel, is everything okay?" Francine asked while looking at her son, who was biting his bottom lip like it was a horrible hangnail.

"I uh... well mom, can we talk?"

Francine instantly looked nervous, before she nodded and sat down onto the arm of the couch. Michael also sat down, looking just as confused. "What's wrong?"

After looking down at him, I motioned to the hands he was hiding behind my back. He took a deep breath before bringing our hands into view. It took some effort to pry my hand from his, to show his mom the string on his finger. She looked confused for a second before her eyes got wide.

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