Chapter Fourteen: Gabriel/ Lorenzo

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A/N: Picture is Gabriel's ring. Next chapter will be the epilogue :)


~One year later~

Looking around the football field, I continued to take deep breaths. This is it, I thought while smiling at my classmates. The past had been a whirlwind of different emotions. My senior year had come and gone, including many football games and also prom. Dancing under a disco ball with Reno was amazing, and spending the night with Pete was amazing too. Graduation was finally here, I was really going to graduate.

The last year hadn't always been fun, there were stressful times too. There were times I got upset with Reno, who got upset back. He would punish me by not coming around for a day. Of course that always made him feel incredibly guilty, because he didn't want to think he was leaving me. Our love had grown stronger in a year; I couldn't believe I could love someone even more. Reno was working with my mom, something he actually enjoyed. Pete was also working with her, who seemed to love it a tad more. Either way I was glad everyone seemed to be getting along.

Glancing out into the stands, I instantly spotted Reno laughing with Cleo next to him. Luna was on the other side of him, whispering something to Michael before they both laughed. That was something else I had to get used to, Michael and Luna. Michael had proposed to my mom at Christmas, which was definitely a surprise for all of us. I've never seen my mom so happy though, and I was glad she found someone who made her feel whole. Speaking of her, I glanced over at her to see she was already smiling at me. I smiled back the same time my row stood up.

As I continued to wait in line to graduate, I nervously started twiddling my thumbs together. Since the proposal, Michael didn't want to change anything right away. I guess we were all going to move into his house, since it was bigger. It'd be nice to live next to the Yeager's, but it'd also be weird to move again.

I was planning on moving in with Reno and Pete once college started up in the fall. Reno brought up the idea of living together to my mother first, before bringing it to me. He said he wanted me to have the full college experience, and at first wanted me to live on campus. I think we both know we'd just be with each other anyway. There was no way I could ever live without either of them.

Staring down at the string on my finger, I smiled before looking back over to the stands. Reno looked over the same moment I looked at him, making me smile. He gave me a big smile with a thumbs up sign.

"Gabriel Raphael Taylor."

Looking up, I took a deep breath before walking on stage. I took the diploma from the principal, smiling for a picture. After walking off stage, I found my family in the stands and holding my diploma up for them. They all clapped and whistled, making me roll my eyes and laugh.

When the last student got his diploma, I waited until everyone was done talking to finally throw my cap up into the air. "Hey Gabriel!" Looking up, I watched as Onyx ran towards me before engulfing me in a hug. "We graduated! Woo!"

I laughed as he ran away, practically tackling all of the students around. Turning around, I started to look through the crowd before spotting my mother. Running up to her, I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm so proud of you honey," she said while kissing my cheek.

"Thanks Mom," I said while pulling back and smiling at her. "Thanks for everything."

I went on to hug the rest of my family and friends before seeing one particular person. He was standing with one hand in the pocket of his black pants. In his other hand, he was holding a single red rose. Running up to him, I wrapped my arms around his body. "Congratulations," Reno whispered into my ear.

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