Chapter 3

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Stretching his tight limbs somewhat, Louis blinked himself back into reality, smiling as small lopsided smile as he admired the all to familiar London skyline, one of the many things he’d missed about the place since his move. It hadn’t changed much, the clouds were still a charcoal grey colour and the skyscrapers still stood towering above his head, but he’d missed seeing it everyday. Being in Manchester simply wasn’t the same. He was happy, the club had been wonderful to him and he’d made some pretty good friends since he’d traded Doncaster for Manchester, but it wasn’t the same. It didn’t make him feel the way he used to when he played for Doncaster, he still gave his all and offered as many goals as it was possible for him to, but it didn’t give him the excitement it used to, it was a job for him now more than a passion and he’d grown used to it.

“Still look the same then Lou?” Wayne mumbled tiredly as he too stirred from his slumber. The journey from Manchester had been a long one and many of the players and coaches had opted to sleep, knowing they wouldn’t arrive until late at night. “It’s been a year Wayne” the striker returned “A City doesn’t change all that much in a year” he smiled. Wayne nodded his head slightly before staring out the window, sighing when he realised there was still a while from their hotel. “Are you happy to be back?” he enquired. He knew what it was like to return to a club where you’d once been loved, at first it’d been hard for him when they went to Everton, but he’d gotten used to their jeers and he knew that Louis would too. He was a strong man and he wouldn’t let the petty views of irked fans get in the way the career he was forging for himself.

Louis sighed softly, staring across the familiar streets of the city. “Happy? A little, I’ve missed being here, but I’m a little more nervous you know?” he shrugged awkwardly. Wayne gave a small nod, smiling at his friend. “it’s not like being in Manchester, there will be more fans down here that will only want my blood. I guess I’m just worried about what will happen when someone recognises me” he whispered. He knew it was petty, silly even, but he knew that bad blood was still as evident as ever and worried how fans of his jilted club would handle him, but more so he worried how his friends would.

Few of them had made contact since he’d moved, Charles, Will and more had been the first to offer their congratulations to their former captain, but others, those he’d been close to, had refused, something he aimed to put right during the duration of his stay in the city.

“Louis, you’ll be fine mate” Wayne assured him softly as the coach pulled into a large parking lot “Fans are fickle, one moment you’re the target of their hatred, the next week its something else. They’ll have gotten over it by now” he laughed. Louis nodded at his friend, thankful for his words, before climbing to his feet and gathering his backpack from the overhead locker.


Pulling her coat on over the less than satisfactory uniform she’d been given by her latest employer, Navishaa spared a small sigh of relief, glad to be getting out before the rush came about. The hotel had been a buzz all day, something about some important guests coming to lend their custom over the weekend and Navishaa was glad to get away, not wanting to get caught in the frenzy that normally accompanied important guests. The hotel she worked for was one of the most famous in London and was often frequented by stars and athletes alike, something which had made the brunette’s heart drop when the news had first reached her. She knew that the FA Cup final was that weekend and knew precisely what it meant, even if it’d not been confirmed as of yet.

Shaking her head, she punched out of the clock and hoisted her satchel onto her shoulder, desperate to get to her parents house before it got too late. She worked nights often, spending nearly all of her time at the hotel, something which meant she had to give Oscar to her mother, not that the elder woman ever minded, she adored spending time with her only grandchild, but Navishaa often fretted. Being a single mother, she’d grown accustomed to having her little boy with her all the time, she missed him when he wasn’t around and hated leaving him with her mother. Ruffling her light brown hair slightly, Navishaa lifted her eyes to stare out across the car park, grimacing as the glare of headlights dazed her eyes.


“Will you stop pushing?” Louis laughed slightly as Zayn gave a small shove. The defender was notorious for getting grumpy when he missed out on sleep, the team often teased him for it. “Just move it will you? I need a bed” Zayn whined causing the others around him to laugh. Louis merely shook his head, moving to retrieve his suitcase. “Hey Louis look” Charles teased as he placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Louis looked at him before turning to stare in the direction the defender was.

“You’ve got an admirer” he teased him lightly as Louis scanned the silhouette of the girl. She was petite and slight, but everything else was distorted, all but the direction in which she stared. Straight at Louis. Louis merely shook his head, dismissing it.

“She’s really staring at you” the defender added “Maybe you should go talk to her?” he suggested, but Louis merely shook his head, insisting he wasn’t at his most sociable. Much like the others, he was in desperate need of the welcome relief of a bed. Charles uttered something before scampering away in search of his roommate, offering Louis one last smile, not that the footballer had noticed. He was still staring at the girl who refused to move much like him.

It wasn’t until Wayne bumped into him that he looked away and it that split second she was gone, something which made him feel strange, like she’d taken part of him with her. Shaking his head, he turned towards the hotel, stumbling inside with his friends.

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