Chapter 4

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An early update...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Hope you'll have a good year coming soon ahead of you :)

And Happy Birthday Louis Tomlinson!!! :D

Bouncing Oscar’s tiny body on her knee, Navishaa spared a mournful sigh, the image of the man she had once loved, hell still loved, once more stuck in her mind. She had seen him in an instant, his face, although the slightest bit older, hadn’t changed at all, all except by the cat-like grin that graced it, a grin that had broken her heart within seconds of spying it. He looked so happy, happier than he ever had whilst he was with her, and it had hurt her. It wasn’t like she didn’t want him to be happy, the first and only thing she had wanted for him upon his departure was for him to make good a bad situation and he had, it just hurt her to see that he could be happy without her, especially since, though she didn’t like to admit it, she was miserable without him.

“I don’t think its worth driving back home tonight” Her mother, Linda, noted as she walked into the living room. She’d noted her daughter’s behaviour and wanted to get to the bottom of it. She knew it could only have to do with one thing, a certain striker who’d fathered a child he didn’t know existed. “Would you like me to put Oscar down?” she asked noting the sleepy expression that had gone unnoticed by the small boy’s mother. Navishaa turned her stare up the elder woman and nodded, handing Oscar’s body to her. “We’ll speak afterwards” the elder woman mumbled as she turned towards the stairs.

Navishaa stood from her seat and pressed a kiss to Oscar’s head wordlessly.

With her mother out of sight once more, the brunette fell into the couch, her light eyes closing as she tried for one moment to forget, something that was near impossible. She had to be alert that weekend, with Louis staying at the hotel she worked at she knew that chances of a run in were high, something she knew she couldn’t handle. As much as she hated to admit it, Louis was the only man on earth that could break her with something as simple as a look. His blue eyes, mundane to anyone else, often rendered her speechless and drew the truth from her, something she knew couldn’t happen this time around. If Louis found out about Oscar he would be relentless and she knew it. He would want to know everything and then would want to be a part of his life, something she didn’t want.

She knew it seemed harsh, the man was Oscar’s father after all, but she couldn’t handle the idea that her little boy would have to split his life between Doncaster and Manchester. She couldn’t handle the idea that Louis could be in Oscar’s life without being in hers.


Staring at the white ceiling that lingered above his head, Louis gave a small sigh, his mind still caught on the girl he’d spotted earlier that night. He didn’t know what it was, but for some reason she seemed slightly familiar to him, like he’d met her previously but he couldn’t place it. He’d not seen enough of her to be able to place her face, but he knew he knew her, he just had to in order for her to make him feel the way he had. It was strange, like she’d taken part of him with her when she’d left and he wanted to know why.

He wanted to know who she was. She had to have worked at the hotel, no one else, guests and the sort, would have been leaving so late. It’d had been on the hour, shift change most likely and he knew he had to find her again, he needed to know why she made him feel so odd.

“Are you not sleeping yet?” Louis’s roommate, Kagawa enquired. He knew that there was something on his friend’s mind but had assumed, with their final lingering a few meagre hours away, that he would have pushed it back in order to be ready. “Not yet” Louis responded tiredly “Sorry if I woke you” he added. Kagawa had been sleeping for nearly two hours and Louis knew it was more than likely that his own tossing and turning had disturbed him.

“It’s fine, what on earth still has you up at the hour?” Kagawa responded. It was nearing five in the morning and Louis looked as if he’d had no sleep whatsoever.

“It’s nothing” Louis responded “I’m simply being stupid” he added. Kagawa cocked an eyebrow “I think its past being stupid now. It’s obvious something big, so what is it?” he asked. Louis turned to stare at him and let out another sigh, “That girl from earlier, the one in the shadows, I think I might know her” he noted “I don’t know what it is, but I can’t shake her from my mind” he explained. Kagawa gave a sigh in return, telling the striker that it was futile. He’d not seen her face, how could he possibly know if he knew her. Louis sighed in agreement, seeing he was merely being stupid. He thanked his friend quickly before nestling down into the pillow, awaiting sleep to wash over him.


How she got placed on the morning shift for the hotel, Navishaa wasn’t sure, but she knew already that she had to be alert. She’d seen a few members of the team already, strolling around the hotel in search of food and she knew that Louis couldn’t be far behind. When he got hungry you sure as hell knew about it. Shaking her head, she pushed her trolley along the corridor, searching for the room number she was supposed to start at. Finding it, she placed her most polite smile onto her face, lifting her hand to the door she tapped the wood.

“Housekeeping” she called out sleepily. It was early, she’d not slept much the night before, she was overly tired.

Muffled footsteps echoed from inside before the large door swept open. “Come in” the man noted softly. Navishaa nodded her head and moved inside, her light eyes widening as she spotted the man who still lie in his bed, his face contorted as he dreamt. The man who’d opened the door for her moved to her side. “You can start in the bathroom” he explained as he tossed a balled up pair of socks at his roommates head “We’ll be out of your hair in a moment” he added as the other man turned.

“Louis” she noted softly as the his eyes came to focus on her.

Louis sat bolt right in his bed. “Navishaa?” he breathed out.

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