Chapter 6

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“Where’ve you been all morning eh Tomlinson?” Wayne Rooney teased as he found his strike partner in the hotel’s grounds. Louis hadn’t been seen since the previous night by anyone other than Kagawa and many of the players had worried that the stress of returning to London had gotten to him. Louis turned his head slightly and sighed, explaining that he’d taken the morning to think. His run in with Navishaa had left him unsettled and he wanted a little time to himself in order to clear his head. He knew he needed to be focussed for the game which came the following day.

Wayne frowned slightly. “What do you have to think about, you aren’t considering leaving are you?” he enquired. He knew that speculation would always surround him, with a love of Doncaster still so evident the question would always be asked if he would consider a return to the side.

Louis shook his head. “Not at all” he insisted “I just needed to think a few things through and attempt to clear my head before the game tomorrow. I’m sure the gaffer would want me focussed” he smiled meekly. Wayne laughed before his face became serious once more. He recalled Kagawa mentioning something about a girl over breakfast and Wayne had been meaning to ask Louis about it. Being his strike partner, Wayne had naturally gravitated close to Louis, causing them to form a bond which many dreamed of. They told each other everything and when the name Navishaa had come up in conversation, Wayne’s attention had immediately been caught. He’d heard all about her from Louis, from the moment they’d met on valentine’s day five years previous to the moment one year ago when she’d ended things. Wayne wanted to know how Louis was coping knowing the girl he was still so crazy about was so close yet so painfully far away.

“Shinji (Kagawa) told me about Navishaa Lou” he noted softly. His head immediately lifted at the mention of her name, a small deep-seated frown played on his lips. “I don’t know what to do about it” he admitted softly “She won’t even contemplate talking to me, it’s awful” he whispered. Knowing that Navishaa worked in the some hotel he was staying in drove him crazy. She was so close, so temptingly close, but he knew that he couldn’t do anything about it, not when she was so set against talking to him.

Of course he knew what he’d done to her had been wrong, he’d made a huge life decision without even factoring in her opinion, but he thought she would have forgiven by now. Going to United was one of the best decisions he’d made and he had hoped that she’d seen it, he wasn’t as happy as he had once been, but career wise he was considerably better off.

“She refused to talk to you?” Wayne asked softly. Just like Louis had, Wayne had assumed that Navishaa would forgive him. Louis nodded his head scornfully, the way she’d spoken to him earlier had hurt him. She’d been so cold, so distant, she didn’t even seem like the same woman anymore and he knew it was his fault. “She told me that what is done is done and that we can’t undo it” he noted tiredly. All he wanted was to kiss her again and tell her that he loved her.

“I’m sorry mate” Wayne sighed. He knew just how much Louis wanted Navishaa back and felt truly bad for his friend who now seemed to stand very little chance. Louis looked at him softly once more and sighed “I can’t give up” he whispered softly. Wayne shook his head. “don’t be stupid over this” he explained “She’s made herself clear, maybe it’s time to finally give up” he said. He didn’t want the striker to get his hopes up only to have them dashed if Navishaa merely rejected him again. Louis shook his head. “I can’t”


“I can’t believe he’s here” Navishaa huffed towards her friend as she flipped a dirty shirt into a laundry basket. The other girl looked at her. She’d heard all about him from Navishaa, but didn’t understand why she was still so hostile. She wasn’t the greatest follower of football, but she knew that Louis had made a career at Manchester United, something which had proved his decision to be correct. “I don’t get why you’re so upset. It’s not like he left Oscar purposely Navi, you never told him about the baby” she countered. That was another thing she didn’t understand, Navishaa seemed to hate Louis for not being in Oscar’s life when it was her fault that he wasn’t. If she’d just admitted the truth before he left, he may have stayed for the baby.

She huffed. “I’m upset because he thought his career was more important than me” the brunette sighed “I’m upset because before he chose to leave he didn’t even consult me” she added. The other girl sighed, “You’re still mad about him though Navi, everyone knows it, maybe you should have just gone with him” she suggested. Many before her had put forwards the same notion, but Navishaa had always shot it down. “I didn’t want to go. Whether I loved him or not, he should have seen that” she insisted before turning away. She had another few rooms to clean. “You should at least tell him about Oscar” The second woman called as she turned to move away. She merely shook her head before her phone called.

Rubbing her hands over her face, she slipped the phone from her apron, staring with slight panic as she saw her mother’s name light the screen. Her mother only called in emergencies and Navishaa worried that Oscar had been harmed or had fallen ill. Placing the phone against her ear, Navishaa quickly launched into questions about the well being of her baby. “He’s fine, it’s just your father and I need to go to see your brother. His girlfriend left him again and he needs us right now. I’m in the lobby” she explained making her daughter’s heart jolt. Louis had met her mother many a time, one look at her and Oscar together and the striker would surely begin to piece things together. “How could you bring him here?” the younger girl exclaimed as she asked her friend to cover for her. The other girl in agreement before moving off down the corridor.

“I wasn’t aware it was a problem. Your boss always lets you have him” the elder woman said. It’d happened before and there’d never been an issue. “That’s not what I am talking about” Navishaa sighed “Louis is down for the cup tomorrow and is staying here. One glance at you with a child and he’ll figure me out” she whimpered.


Louis allowed his lungs to fill with fresh air before he moved into the lobby. He was tired and needed the welcome embrace of his bed once more. Strolling inside, he felt a light smile grace his face, spotting a familiar face. “Lisa?” he exclaimed as he drew closer. Navishaa’s mother had always been like his own, loving him from the moment he’d gotten with her daughter. “Oh gosh, it’s so good to see you” he exclaimed before he allowed his eyes to wander, widening at the sight of the infant sat in her arms. He knew it couldn’t be hers and that left him with only one thought. Navishaa was a mother herself.

Swallowing slightly, he placed his smile on his face once more, trying to hide his disappointment. He’d always assumed that he would be the man who gave Navishaa her first child, but someone else had got in ahead of him, gifting her what could only be described as angel.

“Who’s this little guy then?” he stammered out softly. The child was so small, so delicate, he had Louis speechless. Lisa gave the striker a smile. “He’s Navi’s little boy” she whispered “Oscar” she added. Louis turned his gaze towards her. Oscar was the name he’d chosen out when he and Navishaa had discussed children. He’d wanted his first son to be called Oscar Tomlinson. “Oscar?” he confirmed with her hesitantly. Lisa nodded her head. “Yep, Oscar” she explained before her eyes widened.

Louis looked at her, his eyes wide with excitement at the name that had just come from her mouth. Oscar Tomlinson.

The little boy was called Oscar Tomlinson.

My Lucky Strike (Louis Tomlinson)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara