Chapter 15

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This is more like a filler to the story....I'll update same time next week :)

“Are you sure that you really want to do this Louis?” Navishaa enquired softly as she peered up towards the towering footballer. Louis peered down at her and nodded his head stoutly, he had to clear the air, he simply had to. When he’d left for Manchester United, many of his friends had been supportive, they knew how football was, once transfer requests were handed in and fees were agreed, fighting it was futile, but some hadn’t shared in that view and had consequently turned their back on their former captain when his deal had been confirmed, the most namely being young Will.

The young Englishman had always looked up to Louis and when the former number ten had revealed he wanted to leave, it’d hurt Will. He’d thought Louis was a permanent fixture at the club and refused to forgive him for leaving. “I want him to be my friend, no matter what team I play for. My career shouldn’t affect my friendships” he noted softly. He’d liked Will, he was kind hearted and funny boy and he missed him, perhaps slightly more than others he’d left behind.

 Navishaa  merely smiled softly at her boyfriend before she tapped her fist against the door of the footballer’s home. She had remained quite close to a few of the Doncaster boys, but had bonded particularly well with Will and his girlfriend Carol who had a young son, Alex, who wasn’t much older than Oscar. Louis watched the door slightly, jumping as it drew back to reveal Will’s pretty girlfriend Carol. “ Navishaa ” the brunette smiled “I wasn’t expecting to see you” she added.  Navishaa smiled in return before gesturing to Louis who stood sheepishly at her side. Carol gave one look to the striker before frowning. She knew he wasn’t going to want to see Louis. “I came to see your boyfriend” Louis announced shakily “I was sort of hoping we could talk” he added. Carol eyed him before nodding, bidding the couple entrance to her home.

“Will’s up in the nursery with Alex” Carol noted making Louis nod his head. He’d always admired the love the younger man held for his young son, it was something he dreamt of replicating between himself and Oscar. “If you give me a moment, I’ll go get the baby and me and  Navishaa  can head out” she suggested.

Will's temper often got out of control and she didn’t want to expose either Alex or Oscar to it. Louis nodded his head once more before the brunette scampered up the stairs to retrieve her son. “Are you going to be alright with this on your own?”  Navishaa  enquired. She could see the nerves in her boyfriend’s eyes and wondered if it was best to leave him alone. He smiled. “I just want to iron things out between us. I won’t take it too far” he promised. 

Navishaa  nodded her head before getting up on tiptoes to kiss him. “Just remember, you can’t please everyone” she reminded him softly before she smiled at Carol. Louis nodded his head once more before he kissed her softly. “I know” he mumbled.

“He's in the nursery cleaning up” Carol smiled softly as she returned to the hall. Louis nodded gently and smiled at her. “Is he still as mad about it as he was back then?” he enquired. He remembered the rant Will had had when he’d told the team, it’d hurt Louis to hear some of the things that Will had said about him and the decision he’d made. Carol sighed softly. “You hurt him Lou. He thought you were a one man team, that when you’d come to Doncaster you were there to stay. It was awful for him when you left, it made him reconsider everything” she explained lowly.

She knew it sounded dramatic, but after Louis had gone, Will had been rather down and had started to contemplate his own future. Louis gave a small sigh before kissing  Navishaa's head once more. “You two have fun” he noted before he pulled himself up the stairs.

Leaning against the door frame of Alex’s nursery, Louis watched Will for a moment before he tapped against the door. The younger man gave a small laugh before he spotted that it was Louis, not Carol as he’d expected and his face settled into a deep frown. “What are you doing here traitor?” he snapped. Louis flinched slightly as the word traitor struck his ears, but didn’t falter, he stood in the door, watching Will. “I asked you a question” the younger man quipped.

He was irked by Louis appearance in his life once more, he’d assumed that he’d merely stay away. “I came to talk to you” he responded “I want to clear the air between us” he added softly. Will merely gave a scoff. “There’s nothing you can say for that to happen, you know that” he insisted as he stored the last of Alex's toys away. Louis shook his head.

“What is your problem with me? The others did precisely the same thing I did, but you still regard them as your friends, you still talk to them. Explain it to me Will” he exclaimed. He was frustrated and annoyed, but at the same time upset by his friend’s lack of interest in talking to him. What he’d done had been no worse that was had done before him, yet Will still considered them his friends. Louis didn’t understand why it was different for him.

Will gave a deep sigh before he shook his head. “You weren’t like them. When I looked at the others I could tell that they would leave one day, I knew that money would come for them, but you. I had faith in you. You were the one I looked up to most, you breathed Doncaster, loved them and then you stabbed them in the back for some flimsy reason which is neither here or there. I knew they would leave one day and am not upset by it, but you? You broke hearts, fans and players alike and you don’t even seem to care.” Will explained, a pained look in his brown eyes as he advanced slightly on Louis. The striker watched him, too stunned to utter a rebuttal. Will sighed “I don’t know what you wanted to achieve in coming here, but you’d best leave” he noted as he stepped towards him slightly.

Louis shook his head. “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone” he whimpered. He’d done what was right, he’d never meant to hurt anyone in the process. Will sighed. “But you did anyway” he noted before he moved out of the room.

Louis watched him go slightly before closing his eyes, all of the guilt he soon shred at united swallowing him whole once again.

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