Chapter 10

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The kiss was slow and sweet for a moment, as if it was the first kiss they’d ever shared, but soon Navishaa came to her sense and drew back, her lightly coloured eyes glancing at Louis's for a moment before she looked down at her feet, almost in confusion. “You shouldn’t have done that” she whispered lightly. Louis merely offered her a small frown before he pressed her body back against the door. He was slowly becoming acquainted with it again and he didn’t quite want to let go yet.

“And why not?” he whispered just as softly as her. He himself couldn’t believe how forwards he’d been, but still he didn’t regret a thing. He loved her, even after a year without her in his life, he was still crazy about her and the kiss they’d shared had proved she felt the same about him.

Navishaa sighed softly and pushed his body back slightly. “Nothing has changed” she whimpered softly “As far as you and I go, it is still over. I’m still not ready to give up life in London and that is inevitably what you’d end up wanting” she explained to him softly. The blue eyed footballer merely stared at her sorrowfully. “Is there no way I can change your mind?” he proposed softly, his hand on her cheek once more.

Navishaa simply shook her head. “Louis, this is where my life is. Everyone and everything I know is down here. I’m sorry” she whispered before she moved over to Oscar. “Can he stay here for a little longer?” he asked softly. Navishaa looked at him “Are you sure?” she asked making the footballer nod “I’m only here for about a month, I’d like to spend as much time with him as I can” he said as he placed his body down onto the bed beside Oscar’s. “I’ll have him back with you soon enough” he promised.

Navishaa bit her lip slightly as she admired the two boys ahead of her. She knew now that she had no choice but to let Louis be involved, she’d allowed him to miss so much it wasn’t fair to exclude him any further, but she wasn’t comfortable with leaving Oscar alone with him, she wasn’t really comfortable with leaving him alone with anyone. Louis looked up at her softly. “You can stay too if you’d prefer not to leave him” he offered softly. He hoped that if she spent enough time with him, she’d be persuaded.

All Louis wanted was for his family, the love of his life and his little boy, to join him in Manchester, all he wanted was to be a family. She shook her head. “I need to get him home, he’ll want a feed soon” she explained, but Louis’s eyes melted her heart slightly, just as the blue orbs always did. “If you’d like, you could come back with me” she suggested meekly. Louis gave her a soft smile. “Let me just tell Shinji where I’m going” he mused as he watched her take Oscar in her arms. He was excited to spend more time alone with his son and the woman he wanted to be his again.


It wasn’t long before Louis and Navishaa were in her apartment, laughing softly as Oscar grinned at the television. “He does this all the time” she insisted softly as she moved towards the kitchen to prepare his bottle. Louis merely watched her softly, his blue eyes bouncing between her and Oscar. Though it was obvious the young boy resembled his father the most, Louis could see little flecks of Navishaa in the infant, slight similarities that brought a smile about his face. He was such a happy baby, just like she had always been a happy girl, little Oscar seemed to be always smiling. His eyes were intriguing too, though they were predominantly brown like Louis's own, he could see the flecks of blue and green that the little boy possessed, a feature he’d no doubt inherited from him.

“He’s a very happy infant” Louis noted softly as he lifted his son into his lap. The little boy tilted his head slightly to look up at his dad before smiling his cute little smile at him making Louis laugh softly. “He’s always been like that, I guess he gets nearly everything from you” she noted as she handed him the bottle. He shook his head “He’s a lot like you too” he added softly causing her cheeks to flush softly. He smiled at the sight of the blush on her cheeks before he placed the bottle in Oscar’s mouth, making him gurgle softly.

As Navishaa watched, she couldn’t help but sigh, knowing it wouldn’t be long before Louis departed and she was left to raise her son alone. She knew that he would give his all to be there when he could, that he would spend his free time in London looking after the child, but she doubted that it would be enough for her, or for Oscar who looked completely perfect in his father’s arms.

Hearing her sigh, Louis placed his hand against her cheek, turning her eyes to meet his. He could see what she was thinking, even if she was attempting to mask it. She’d never been good at hiding her thoughts from him. “You’re not alone in this anymore Navishaa” he whispered softly as he placed his forehead against hers. He knew it would be hard for him, balancing a life between two cities, but for Navishaa and Oscar he would give up the world if they needed him two.

The brunette merely watched him. “I’m here for a month” he noted “And in that month I’m going to make it my mission to convince you to come back with me” he vowed. The brunette looked at him slightly dubiously, but didn’t say a word, knowing it was best not to when he was in one of his passionate monologues. “I love you and I want us to be a family. Me and you with our baby like it is supposed to be. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I’m here” he mumbled before his kissed her forehead slightly.

He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but if there was even a chance that he could take them home with him, he was determined to find it.

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