Chapter 18

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Placing his palm against Navishaa's flat stomach, Louis allowed the widest smile he could to light his face, the news they’d discovered days previous still making the smile on his face immovable. He knew it was still early, she was only about five weeks into her term, but the excitement wasn’t possible to hide. The idea was the best thing he’d ever heard and all he wanted to do was scream it from the rooftops. He was having another child with the woman he loved most in the world, in his eyes things couldn’t really have gotten much better.

Grinning up at him, she giggled slightly, moving his hand from her stomach. “Calm yourself down” she insisted “You don’t want to get your friends suspicious” she noted. It was the final training session before the summer break and she knew that Louis would only alert his friends if he was to continue in the way he had in the last few days, something the brunette didn’t want.

It wasn’t only that it was still too early in her pregnancy to make an announcement, thought it was, she also knew that many of Louis’s friends didn’t exactly approve of her. Many of them still disliked her for hiding Oscar from their friend for as long as she had whilst others thought Louis was stupid for having taken her back, all in all it was safe to assume that she wasn’t exactly popular, something that would only worsen if they were to discover they were having a second child together.

Louis frowned slightly before turning to look at her, his kind blue eyes hard with confusion. He’d have thought she’d want to yell about it as much as he did, he’d assumed she was excited like he was, but it was clear there was something he’d not picked up on before. She seemed almost frightened of something and it made him sigh softly.

“What’s bothering you love?” he mumbled softly against the skin of her neck. He knew she had a weakness for him when he did that and assumed it would make her more willing to open up to him, something she’d never really been good at. It wasn’t that she kept him in the dark, she just wasn’t comfortable talking about her issues with anyone, it made her slightly uncomfortable. Navishaa sighed softly at the feel of his lips on her neck and turned to look at him, her light eyes clouded with worry. “Your friends don’t like me do they?” she enquired softly as she watched him.

His eyes had darkened slightly and she knew that that was a yes, even if the next word out of his mouth was to the contrary. “Of course they like you Navi, how could they not?” he insisted softly, even though he knew it wasn’t true. He’d over heard them a few times talking of their dislike of the brunette, not that Louis had paid much attention. It didn’t matter if they liked her or not, his feelings for her and his desire to be with her wouldn’t change.

“You’re lying to me Louis” she mused as she rose from their bed. Oscar was crying and she didn’t appreciate Louis trying to spare her feelings by lying. She’d never liked being lied to. Louis stood too, blocking the door way as she attempted to move past him. He wasn’t going to let her just walk away. “So what if they don’t like you Navi? It shouldn’t matter to you what they think” he insisted, but his girlfriend rolled her eyes. “I want it to be like it was when you were at Doncaster” she mused making him look at her dotingly. He knew she’d loved the closeness they’d had at his previous club, she’d been adored by all of the guys and been close with their partners. It should have been common sense to him that she would want something similar at his new club.

“Oh Navishaa” he smiled softly as he placed his palms to her cheeks. “If that is what you want then we will make it happen. It’s the last day at training before we break for the summer, I know for a fact that a few of the lads are bringing their families so why don’t you and Oscar come along with me?” he enquired. He knew she had at least one ally in Coleen and knew that Kai had taken a liking to Oscar despite the age difference between the two boys. “Are you sure you’d want me there?” she asked softly making the footballer smile. “Where else would I want you?” he mused kissing her slowly, Navishaa blushed slightly before she moved to get Oscar ready for the day.


Holding his girlfriend close to his body, Louis scanned across the faces of his friends, noting the dislike that seemed to linger on their faces. He knew that many hated how he’d gotten back with her and how others hated how she’d hidden his son from him, but he’d hoped when they’d seen how happy she’d made him, all of those qualms would merely be forgotten. He’d thought that they would want him to be happy. “Coleen and Kai are up in the stands, you should go find them” Louis mused softly as he noted the sadness that lingered in his girl’s eye. She’d seen the looks too and had obviously taken them to heart. Louis sighed at her gently and kissed her head before kissing Oscar softly. Navishaa huffed slightly as she went. She knew she’d done wrong, but had thought they would be able to move past it as well as Louis had.

Starting towards his friends, Louis allowed his eyes to darken, anger taking control somewhat. He knew his friends were only looking out for him like he did for them, but he needed to tell them to move past it. Navishaa was a permanent fixture in his life and they needed to start dealing with it. “Alright you lot, can you please explain why you all seem to hate my girlfriend?” he yelled, capturing every set of eyes in the room.

They all watched him somewhat guiltily as he stared at them. “She did some pretty bad things Lou” Rio contributed “She hurt you and we don’t like the idea of her doing it to you again. We all saw how you were when you got to London and would hate to see it happen again” he explained making the other murmur in agreement. They’d not liked the Louis they’d been introduced to in the capital and didn’t like the idea that it could happen again.

Louis shook his head tiredly, his fingers rubbing at his temple. “Yes, she did hurt me and yes that left me upset, but I have moved past that, shouldn’t you all? I know you’re merely looking out for me and I appreciate it, honestly I do, but couldn’t you all just be a little nicer to her?” he insisted making the group stared at him. It was clear it meant quite a bit to him, most likely because it meant a lot to Navishaa, and the group knew they had no choice but to concede, Louis had accepted their partners, it was only fair they did the same.

“I love her guys and, it’s a little soon to be mentioning it, but we’re having another child. I’d really like it if you were to make an effort with her” he smiled slightly, wondering who would pick up on the announcement he’d slid in naturally. He knew Navishaa had told him to say nothing, but he couldn’t help himself, he was far to excited to keep it to himself.

The group nodded their heads softly before a few eyebrows raised and a few looks were exchanged. “Did you just say what I think you said?” Wayne enquired, a coy grin on his face. He knew Louis wanted another child and wondered if he’d heard him correctly. Louis smiled innocently before nodding his head. “You can’t tell her I told you, but Navishaa and I are expecting a second child” he explained.

The group shared a few more looks before bursting out in cheers of congratulations. They were thrilled for their friend, just as thrilled as Louis was himself and it showed as they embraced him one by one.

Things were looking good and Louis doubted there was anything that could bring him down.

Well not everything looks good for that long..... More suprises on the way.

And what do you think, would you like to see these 2 books turn into a series, maybe another book after this one?

Let me know your thoughts, feel free to comment :)                                                                

Sorry about the late update though, I have been busy with my assignments and stuff, ah the 'uni life' :P

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