Chapter 14

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“I’ll see you later” Louis mumbled softly as he kissed Navishaa’s head. She was due to start work in a few moments but seemed reluctant to leave his side, it would be the first time she’d left Oscar alone with him and Louis knew she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it, even if Louis was the little boy’s father.

“You’re sure you can cope?” she replied softly. She wasn’t complete thrilled about having to work, but knew it would be a good opportunity for Louis and Oscar to bond slightly, even if she didn’t particularly like the idea of leaving the two boys alone. He smiled at her softly “He’s asleep half the time” he mumbled as he peered into Oscar’s pram. Sure enough the six month old was sleeping soundly.

Navishaa looked down too and sighed. “But what about when he’s awake?” she quipped. He flashed her a soft smile before he kissed her head once more. “We’ll be perfectly fine baby” he assured her “You’ve got nothing to worry about” he smiled. Navishaa sighed softly before she got up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips. “Be good” she whispered to Oscar before moving away to clock in.

Louis watched her go before moving towards the elevator. The team were checking out and he knew he had to collect his bags before they did. Hitting his floor number, he leant down into Oscar’s pram, smiling slightly at the sleepy look that lit the little boy’s face. “Your mother worries to much about me and you” he mumbled softly as he smoothed the hair on the little boy’s head. “She doesn’t think I can look after you” he added. Oscar gave a small stir before his dark brown eyes flickered open, staring up at his father in shock. Louis eyed him for a moment before he lifted him from the pushchair and rested him against his body. “We’ll show mummy won’t we?” he mumbled as he kissed the infant’s forehead slightly. Oscar gave a small whimper before leaning into Louis’s body, a tiny smile perched on his lips.

The elevator soon reached the correct floor and he moved through the corridor, coming to a halt just outside of his room. He could hear voices, those of Wayne and his family, and they bought a smile to his face. Navishaa had told him how she and Coleen had hit it off and it filled him with optimism. If he was to convince her to switch Doncaster for Manchester, he was glad that she would have someone she knew awaiting her.

Pushing the door open, he flashed a small look to Wayne and his family before progressing to his bed, laying Oscar down against pillow. “She let you have him then” Wayne noted as he watched his friend. He was glad that Louis was being allowed into his son’s life, but worried about the effects it could have. Navishaa had made herself abundantly clear, she didn’t want to switch Doncaster for Manchester, something that made Wayne worry. He didn’t want his strike partner to leave so soon after they’d formed such a strong partnership.

Louis looked up slightly, his eyebrow cocked at the tone of his friend’s voice. He sounded a little irked and it made Louis wonder why. “Yeah, she’s got work today so she said I could watch him” he said with a shrug. Coleen moved to his side, fussing over the infant as her husband sighed. “Louis” he noted softly “Can I have a word with you outside?” he enquired. He frowned slightly, but nodded his head, checking with Coleen that she would be alright watching Oscar. The pretty woman nodded her head, lifting the infant into her arms as the two footballers trailed out of the room.

“Wayne, what’s wrong?” Louis enquired softly as he leant against the wall of the corridor. The Englishman was worried, his friend had never taken him aside like he had then before, it was concerning. Wayne looked at him slightly, his light eyes scanning his figure before they diverted to the floor.

“What’s happening with you and Navishaa?” he asked softly. It was none of his business, he knew it, but the question burned with him. He didn’t want Louis to leave so soon after arriving and he knew it was a real risk of him having a relationship with Navishaa once more. From what he’d heard, the brunette was stubborn and hardly ever changed her mind once it’d been made it up like it had on their situation. Louis looked at him dubiously, but smiled nonetheless.

“We’re on again” he beamed. The mere thought of her made him smile like a fool.

Wayne sighed softly making Louis’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. He couldn’t fathom why the Englishman seemed so disappointed by his admission. He’d thought, out of all of his friends, Wayne would be happiest for him. It was clear now he’d been wrong. “What’s wrong Wayne?” he mumbled. The Englishman sighed once more before he met the stare of his friend. “I’m worried” he admitted. Louis frowned slightly. “Navishaa has had no trouble admitting that she doesn’t want to move. I don’t want you to cave to her” he sighed.

Louis smiled at his friend thoughtfully, but shook his head. “She’s not going to change my mind either. I chose to leave for a reason and nothing has changed” he explained. “So if she refused to move, you wouldn’t come back down here to be with her and Oscar?” Wayne proposed making the younger man shake his head. “No” he said simply. Of course it’d crossed his mind, but he’d shot it down quickly. Nothing had changed, Doncaster still lacked ambition and United didn’t. It was still the same as it was one year previous.

Wayne looked at the younger man with a smile, sensing just how worked up he’d gotten over something which he’d made up himself. He should have felt no threat and he knew it as he spotted the smile on Louis’s face. “I’m sorry for being so needy” Wayne smiled sheepishly “I just like playing alongside you and don’t want to lose that” he admitted making Louis throw an arm around his shoulders.

Louis nodded, saying it was nothing, before he moved back into the room, taking Oscar into his arms. Wayne and Coleen smiled softly.

They wanted nothing more than their friend to be happy, something it was clear his son and girlfriend made him.

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