Chapter 12

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“You must be Navishaa” A voice noted from behind the brunette. She’d been at the stadium for a little while and the voice from behind was the first to notice her presence. “Eh, yes” she noted as she turned to face a pretty woman who balanced a young round faced boy on her hip. “I’m Coleen” she noted excitedly “And this is my son, Kai” she added as she placed the child on his feet. The little boy tilted his head slightly at Navishaa before he spotted Oscar.

Coleen smiled at the sight of the infant as she sat down at Navishaa’s side. Louis had told her about Navishaa, but had failed to mention the little boy who sat in his mother’s lap, his big brown eyes awed somewhat by the grandness of the stadium around him. Coleen tilted her head slightly to catch Navishaa’s gaze before she flashed her another light smile.

“Louis never mentioned that you had a baby” she noted. Navishaa turned at the sound of her voice and smiled, bouncing Oscar slightly. “He’s beautiful” she added “Is he Louis’s?” she enquired. The brunette sighed softly and nodded her head. Coleen frowned slightly as she nodded, wondering what had kept her and the child from coming to Manchester. She knew what Louis was like, he was family minded and would never have left behind a child that was still too young to fathom anything.

Navishaa noted her frown and looked towards her. “He didn’t know” she admitted “I made the mistake of not telling him before he moved. He only found out Oscar existed yesterday” she admitted. It made her sound awful, but she saw no point in lying, Louis was bound to tell them all eventually.

Coleen frowned for a second before she placed another smile on her face, not wanting to offend the girl it was evident that Louis was still mad about. She’d only heard him talk briefly, but there was a glow in his eyes as he did, a glow that Wayne got when he spoke of her. “He looks a lot like him” she noted “Louis that is. Did you say his name was Oscar?” she enquired. Navishaa, slightly hesitantly, smiled at Coleen as she nodded. “Oscar Tomlinson” she noted making the other woman smile, the name suited the infant perfectly. Coleen moved to speak again, but Kai appeared once more, pointing at the pitch as he spotted his daddy. “Looks like the game’s about to start” she noted hoisting the little boy up onto the seat beside her. Navishaa nodded her head as she cuddled Oscar who giggled softly.

The game was a fast starter. At half time, the scores were still level at one all.

“Good half wasn’t it?” Coleen enquired softly as she noted Navishaa's face. Coleen frowned softly before she placed her hand on Navishaa's. “Why didn’t you come to Manchester with him?” she enquired softly. It was obvious she still loved him, just like him, she had a glow to her eyes when she spoke of him and it made the other woman wonder why they’d ended things. It was perfectly clear that they were destined for one and other. Navishaa sighed at the questioned posed to her, bored of repeating the same monologue to cover herself. Part of her believed it, that she’d not wanted to give everything up, but the rest of her hated her for the decision she’d made. She knew Louis wasn’t far off asking her to marry him and the addition of Oscar would have only been more perfect.

“The second half is about to start” she noted as she spotted the teams making their way back out. Coleen eyed it too, deciding against pushing her query any further. It was clearly something that Navishaa didn’t like talking about that much.

The following eighteen minutes were tense before a long ball forwards found Louis’s fabled left foot. The striker didn’t falter for a moment as he flicked it delicately into the top corner, securing the win for his newest team. Navishaa watched him with a small smile, appeased by the glow that shone so brightly in his eyes. It was clear he was happy.

Once the final whistle had been blown and the celebrations had unfurled, Navishaa moved a step closer to Louis, preparing herself to say goodnight. The footballer caught sight of her instantly and slung his arms around her body. He’d drunk a bit and was slightly tipsy.

“I was coming to say goodnight” she whispered as Oscar gave a small cry. He was tired and cranky. Louis patted the small boy’s head before meeting her eyes. He wanted nothing more than her to kiss him willingly. He wanted to show her how much he loved her. Stepping just a pace closer, he placed his mouth to her ear. “I want to go home with you” he whispered making her cheeks flush. She knew she couldn’t say no. “Just one more time” he slurred softly. Navishaa trembled slightly before she pushed her mouth against his.

Perhaps it was the elation of victory or the desire to be loved by him once more, but Navishaa couldn’t resist him.

She never could.

My Lucky Strike (Louis Tomlinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ