Chapter 20

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Staring at his girlfriend softly, Louis allowed his fingers to curl around hers, offering her the most reassuring smile he could muster. He knew she wasn’t dealing well, the mere thought of Alan emerging into her life once more had taken its toll on her, but he wanted to assure her that everything would be alright. He wasn’t going to let anyone get to her or their children, he’d rather die first.

It’d been a few weeks since the photographs had arrived and although there had been nothing else to indicate that Alan was back, Navishaa hadn’t been sleeping or eating right, hence why they found themselves in a doctor’s office. Louis knew that Navishaa wouldn’t listen to his words of advice and had decided that a doctor was to be their first port of call before they visited the police. He merely wanted to put her mind at ease and assure her that there was nothing waiting for her in the shadows.

“I don’t see why we are here Lou” the brunette muttered as she tended to their son. The little boy, now nearly ten months old, seemed to have picked up on his mother’s apprehension and had become fussier over the last few months, sensing the fear around his family. She didn’t look right and it was a concern, but not as much of a concern as her being pregnant. Louis feared that the extra stress could harm their unborn child, one that was still six months away from its birth. “You need help Navi” he mused gently, his eyes soft as they examined her. Her skin as ashen and plagued with purple bags from lack of sleep. Her frame seemed changed and he was scared of what the doctor would tell them. He worried it was already too late. “For what? I’m fine?” she exclaimed. Mood swings were also another thing that occurred since the photos had arrived, she was crying one moment then yelling the next.

Louis spared a softly sigh and placed his spare hand against her cheek. “You’re not fine and if you’re not fine then the baby may not be fine” he explained to her slowly. Her light eyes seemed to darken with guilt as he spoke and it made the footballer frown as he rubbed his thumb across the skin of her cheek. “You need to be helped. It’s been months and Alan isn’t here. I can’t help but think he’s done this for the precisely this reason. He’s scared you half to death, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep and you could lose our little boy or girl” he whimpered helplessly.

She seemed oblivious to what the fear had done to her and Louis felt the need to hammer it home. He didn’t want to upset her, but he wanted to make her see what she was doing to herself and their unborn child before it was all too late.

Navishaa spared a soft look towards her boyfriend before sighing. She knew that Louis was right, it’d been weeks since the photos had arrived and it did all seem to be hoax, but she couldn’t shake the fear that filled her. She’d never been more scared of anyone than she was of Alan. “We’ll see the doctor and then head to lunch yes?” Louis suggested noting the look that filled her eyes. He knew he’d hit home but also that she was still scared even if there was no real reason to be. In his eyes, Alan was more talk than action. “Navishaa?” he noted making her nod. He knew it wouldn’t be easy for her to just move past it, but he wouldn’t let her dwell, it simply wasn’t worth her time.

“Miss Brighton?” the receptionist noted making the brunette nod and look towards Louis. “I’ll be just out here” he assured her softly “You’ll be fine” he added. She smiled at him thankfully before following the receptionist into the doctor’s office.

After receiving the all clear from the doctor, Louis held her body close to his own, his fingertips rested subtly on her growing stomach. He had to admit he’d been concerned, but hearing that there was nothing wrong made him nothing short of ecstatic, he couldn’t bare the thought of losing their child before they even had the chance to meet him or her. He couldn’t bare the idea in general.

Smiling, she looked up at him cheekily, pressing her hand atop of his. “I can’t wait to meet them” he mused cheekily as they moved to sit in a small restaurant. Oscar gave a short cry, but settled as Louis kissed his head. “I think someone’s a little jealous” he mused making his girlfriend laugh “Do you want another boy or a girl?” he enquired. He enjoyed talking about her pregnancy, even if they were only about a third of the way through, the mere idea filled him with tingles from head to toe, something he had no doubt that Navishaa shared in.

The brunette spared a light laugh before turning to look down at the menu, her stomach rumbling slightly. “It’d be nice to have a girl this time around” she said softly. She’d been certain when pregnant with Oscar she’d been having a daughter and had been the slightest bit disappointed when he was confirmed to be a boy, not that she’d minded, he was still her baby. Louis nodded “I’d like another boy” he added “Just to ensure that I have at least one son to follow in my footsteps” he smirked making her roll her eyes. It should have been common sense that Louis would want any male child of his to follow his lead and become a talented footballer.

“Excuse me” a voice noted from beside the pair. Louis watched Navishaa slightly as her body tensed. Her skin was suddenly pale and he had a feeling he knew why. The man sat to their side gave him a bad feeling. “Leave us alone” she spat, she had Oscar pulled close to her side and tears filling her eyes. “Now, now Navishaa” the man noted “Is that anyway to greet the man you love?” he enquired with a brash smirk that made Louis clench his fists. He could see why Navishaa disliked him so much just from the way he smirked.

The footballer moved quickly to his girlfriend’s side, his blue eyes almost black with anger. “you leave, now, you get out Manchester” he spat making the other man chuckle. “They told me she landed a footballer, I didn’t believe them” he smirked as he stood from his seat. He was slightly taller than Louis and slightly more muscular too.

“I asked you to leave” Louis spat making the other man raise his hand defensively. “Alright mate, calm down yeah” he smirked “It was good seeing you Navishaa, I’ll see you soon” he chimed before wandering away. Louis looked towards his girlfriend softly and closed his eyes.

The threat he’d thought she’d exaggerated suddenly seemed all to credible.

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