Chapter 8

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“What do you mean, that’s your boy?” Wayne squeaked softly as he drew closer to his friend’s side. Louis had never mentioned a child before, it was a pretty big detail to simply omit, which made the Englishman believe that his friend had had no idea about the child. Louis gave a small sigh, his eyes closing for a second as he relished the light scent that Oscar’s small body had left behind on his skin. “Navishaa was pregnant when I left” he admitted lowly. The mere idea that she had been pregnant seemed strange to him, she’d showed no signs, not even the slightest of hints, Louis couldn’t how well she’d hidden it from him.

Wayne placed his hand against Louis’s shoulder. “Had she told you?” he enquired. Louis shook his head. “That was the first I knew of him” he whispered.

The players that had gathered around their friend all shot the striker pitiful looks. Many of them had children of their own, children they’d watched grow since birth and that they loved more than anything in world. None of them could even fathom the pain that ran rampant through the striker’s body. He’d missed everything. Every scan where the heartbeat could be heard. Every pregnancy class where he would have leant so much. Every second of the birth of his only ever first child. Louis had missed everything and everyone else pitied him.

“Come on mate” Tom sighed softly. Even though he wasn’t yet a father himself, he still felt absolutely awful for his friend. “Let’s get you upstairs” he muttered pushing Louis towards the elevator. The striker compiled, his thoughts too skewed to contemplate anything else.


“I cannot believe you sometimes Navishaa” her mother snapped as she finally found her daughter. After nearly twenty minutes of searching, she’d finally tracked her to the staff locker-room where the younger woman had preceded to berate her mother for being so careless. “Believe me? Mum, you handed my son of without a care” she hissed “I cannot believe you could be so stupid” she yelled. She wasn’t as much mad about her mother handing Oscar over to Louis, more about the fact she’d let the little boy’s full name slip, a name that merely confirmed that he was the footballer’s son. “I didn’t leave him with a stranger Navishaa” the elder woman countered “I left him with his father. I know I spoke out of turn, but at least Louis finally knows he’s a dad” she whispered. It hadn’t been her place to talk, she knew it, but it wasn’t fair that Louis didn’t even know Oscar existed, it wasn’t fair to either of them.

Navishaa shook her head softly before pulling on her jacket. She’d managed to clear the day off for personal reasons with her boss. The elder man was always lenient towards her due to her link to Louis. “Mother, I didn’t want him to know, that was the point. When he left Doncaster he made it clear that football was the most important thing in his life. I did the right thing for my son, he doesn’t deserve to play second fiddle to a game” she explained gently.

She wasn’t doing it out of bitterness, she wasn’t even doing it to get back at Louis for their break-up. She was doing it for Oscar, saving him from a childhood of disappointment at the hands of his father. She knew what it would be like, Louis missing his weekends with his son to play a sport that meant nothing, it wasn’t fair to Oscar and it wasn’t fair to Navishaa who would then be the one forced to soothe the little boy’s broken heart every time his daddy put him second.

Lisa sighed softly and moved towards her daughter, handing Oscar to his mother as he slept. He was always sleeping, he was good like that. “You don’t know that it would be that way sweetheart, you don’t know that Louis wouldn’t even try. He didn’t leave to hurt you Navishaa, he offered you the chance to go with him” she whispered softly. Of course she knew how her little girl still felt about the footballer. Every time she gazed at his face on the back of the papers after a game, there was still a glow about her eyes that made it obvious she still loved him. “I know he did, but I didn’t want that mum” she whispered. Lisa merely sat at her side, cuddling her daughter closer as she fussed over her grandson. “You should talk to him” she whispered making her nod. There was no use in fighting anymore.


“She seriously didn’t tell you about him until then?” Wayne enquired lightly as he sat down beside Louis. Many of the group had disappeared to share a few moments with their families before curfew, but Wayne had opted to stay with Louis. He knew that Coleen and Kai would understand when he explained the situation to them. Louis leant down onto his mattress and closed his eyes, trying with all his might to recreate the emotions that had filled when he’d held Oscar’s small frame in his arms. He’d felt complete for the first time in months but doubted he would have the chance to feel it again. Navishaa was very stubborn and once she had her mind set on something, there was very little that anyone could do to change it.

“She said she was waiting for the right moment to tell me” he muttered bitterly. All she had to do was tell him, any moment would have been better than the one they’d shared almost an hour previous. It’d come about a year too late for Louis’s liking. Wayne shook his head. “That’s ridiculous” he spat. Though he’d never actually met the woman that Louis was still evidently in love with, he could already feel a dislike for her forming. It seemed she was far to petty for his liking.

Louis nodded softly. “Any moment would have been right” he mumbled. He and Navishaa had talked about kids for years, they’d both wanted them, all Louis wished was that she’d told him about Oscar before he left, it may have had some impact on the decisions he’d made.

Sighing softly, Louis sat upright in bed as the sound of someone at the door echoed. “It’s probably Shinji” Wayne laughed softly “I roomed with him on the last trip and he was always forgetting his key” he laughed. Louis smiled at him softly before opening the door, his blue eyes widening as he spotted the baby in her arms. “I was sort of thinking we could talk” she suggested softly as she bounced the little boy against him. Louis merely swallowed and nodded his head. “Uh, come in” he mumbled offering her entrance to the room. Navishaa flashed an awkward smile, unsure of what to say next.

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