Chapter 13

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Blinking himself back into reality, Louis placed a palm to his forehead as he scanned the unfamiliar room, a small frown playing at the corner of his mouth. He didn’t remember much, only that he’d scored the winner, but after that was a blur, something which concerned him slightly as he eyed the unfamiliar décor that surrounded him. Sitting up slightly, his ears pricked up at the sound of a baby’s cry, something which allayed his fears somewhat as he moved to pull his shirt on over his body.

Stepping out of the bedroom rather tentatively, he felt a slight smile tug at the corner of his mouth at the sight before him, one he’d doubted he would ever get to see. Navishaa looked perfect as she cradled their baby against her. She looked even more perfect in the spare shirt of his that cascaded down her flawless figure.

“You’re up” she noted meekly as she smiled slightly. She wasn’t about to admit aloud that she was glad he was about, but the smile on her face spoke volumes. “Did he wake you?” she asked. Louis shook his head slightly. “I was awake anyway. I was a little confused” he added with a light laugh. Navishaa smiled at him. “You were pretty out of it” she replied making him blush slightly.

Louis never really drank, but when he did he often went overboard. “Did we, you know?” he enquired as he sat down on her couch. Her cheeks flushed as she nodded her head shyly, a sight that made Louis grin. She was plain adorable, especially when a blush lit her cheeks.

Taking a step towards her, he took Oscar from her hands, bouncing him slightly as he pressed his mouth to hers. It caught her slightly off guard, but she soon responded, kissing him back softly. “I’ve missed this” he mumbled as he drew back to place his head to hers. Navishaa nodded her head, too mesmerized for words. “I know that your views are still the same and that you want to stay in London, but we can make this work can’t we?” he murmured.

He missed her, more than words could describe, and he wanted nothing more than to call her his again. It felt wrong to call her nothing more that Oscar’s mother. She shook her head. “You know it wouldn’t work” she insisted as she moved out of his embrace. Louis watched her with a light frown.

“Why?” he enquired meekly. It had hurt, her rejection, but he didn’t want to show it, he’d never been the most emotional of men. “Because it wouldn’t. You like to have someone in bed with you every night. You’re very much all or nothing” she informed him. Louis shook his head. “Can you blame me? I just want to feel loved and I feel it when you and I lay side by side. I love you” he whimpered. Navishaa  shook her head softly.

“Louis, it won’t work, not with you there and me here. We’d only ruin all the memories we’ve already made” she informed him as she took their baby and placed him in his crib. She knew things would only become more heated and didn’t want to endanger the child.

Louis shook his head. “What about all the memories we’ve yet to make? All the birthday that we’d share, all the holidays. What about our wedding?” he enquired. Navishaa looked at him. “You know I’d marry you in a heartbeat. There is no one else” he noted making her sigh. “What about Oscar’s birthdays? His first Christmas? We’ve got so much still to experience, are you honestly just going to let it go?” he whimpered. He was scared that she was simply willing to let everything they had ebb away, something that hurt him beyond all reason. They still had so much to share and he couldn’t believe she was willing to just give up on it over something as trivial as switching cities.

“I’ve been clear” she noted making him scoff in disbelief. “I moved cities, not countries or continents, I am still in the same country. Why are you so hell bent on losing everything we have over something so petty?” he snapped at her. He was ticked, irked that she was willing to throw everything away. “I love you, with everything I have and I want nothing more than to make a family with you and our son, but you, you don’t seem to want any of that. Did you even care about me in the first place?” he exclaimed.

Her face softened. “Of course I did, I do now” she whimpered, hurt by the mere assumption she didn’t care. “Then why won’t you let us be together?” he enquired. “Because you put me second before. Didn’t care for my opinion and just expected me to follow along. I don’t want to be second fiddle Louis” she explained making him fall silent.

Louis pondered her response for a moment before he pulled her towards him, pressing a warm kiss to her mouth. “You’ll never be second fiddle, you or Oscar, I can promise you that” he vowed softly as he pressed his head to hers. Navishaa opened her mouth to object, but Louis merely kissed her again. “I was wrong, I made a decision in the heat of the moment and I didn’t factor you into it, that was wrong. But I have more to lose this time, not only the love of my life but my son too. I just want you both with me” he whimpered. Navishaa sniffled making him note the tears on her cheeks for the first time. “You really want that?” she enquired dumbly. He nodded enthusiastically. “More than anything” he smiled. She smiled simply in return and pressed her mouth against his.

It was all futile, denying that she felt anything was wrong. She loved him and it was clear he loved her too. “I love you” she mused as she pulled away from him slightly.

Louis merely grinned madly at the words before he pulled her into another kiss.

He wasn’t letting her go this time, not again.

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