Chapter 1-Disbanded

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A/N: If you have read the epilogue in "Fearless," this is the FULL edited chapter. Please read the whole chapter because there is a lot more than in the epilogue of "Fearless." There is a paragraph with Derrick in this chapter. You'll laugh.


Chapter 1- Disbanded

Life has strange ways of throwing curves at you.

Or as I would rather call them, life's plot twists.

I thought my life was perfect. Okay not perfect, but I had a normal life. Notice the 'thought.'

I thought my life was normal until a group of heroes called The Avengers entered my life forever. Okay for about two months.

Never in a million years would I think I would have super powers. Wondering what I can do? Well I'm glad you asked. I have the 'force.' Yes, like the Jedi's on Star Wars. Basically I can move things with my mind. Also if I'm mad enough I can send over two-thousand volts of energy into your skin. And if you make me Hulk angry, I can make you burst into flames. One more thing, I can manipulate gravity, allowing me to fly.

I fought along side the Avengers to stop Loki and his wicked plan. The Avengers became a part of me.

Then there's Steve. Steve Rogers.

I didn't think I would ever fall in love.

But I did.

I fell in love with Steve Rogers. THE Steve Rogers. And the best part. He loves me.

Sounds pretty good right? No. Not when your entire past was a lie.

For nineteen years Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D told me I was Christy Hannah Romanoff. And I believed it. Turns out, it was all a lie to keep Natasha Romanoff, the master assassin, alive. I was just a piece of Fury's game.

But who am I really?

I am Christy Elizabeth Coulson. And before you ask, yes, agent Phil Coulson is...well...was my father. He died before the battle of New York.

After the battle I had thought my life would settle down and go back to normal.

I think to much.

My life will never be normal.

A few days after the battle of New York, Fury disbanded the Avengers. Fury split us up. Which means I have no idea where any of the Avengers are.

It's been one year exactly since I last saw Steve Rogers, or any of the avengers for that matter.

I remember like it was yesterday.

"Be strong," was the last thing he said to me.

As soon as he left my world was broken. It felt like a piece of me was ripped away. Half of my heart was shattered. Is that humanly possible?

Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into months. Months...months turned into the longest, hardest year I have ever lived.

I'm currently at a S.H.I.E.L.D base in Wyoming. At least I think I'm in Wyoming. Fury won't confirm when I ask him. But I've done some research over past few months and judging by my results, I'd say we are in Wyoming. How did I figure that out?

Maybe I should just tell you.

After the Avengers were disbanded, I was pushed in a jet with Agent Derrick Daniels as my pilot. I wasn't alone in the jet, agent Maria Hill accompanied me the whole trip. S.H.I.E.L.D. Blacked out the windows so I couldn't trace our whereabouts.

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