Chapter 7-I am shocked.

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Chapter 7-I am shocked.

It must be me because every time I'm on the Helicarier, it either A) is under attack, B) A villain has escaped, or C) something gets blown up, (by something I mean food.)

"I would ask what is with you two but we have a situation at the moment," Steve says.

"What now?" I ask as Steve finally releases me.

"Guess?" Clint says.

"Electro?" I ask.

"No," Steve says.

"Loki," Peter says holding his arm.

"Not even close," Clint replies.

"Who?" I basically yell.

"Magneto," Steve says.

"Mag....whato?" I ask.

"Magneto, he's a mutant that has the ability to distort and manipulate the earths electromagnetic field and metallic objects," Clint says escorting us out of the room, "if it even smells like metal, the man is all over it."

"Can you run that by me in English?" I ask.

Peter rolls his eyes,
"Magneto make air go boom."

I give Peter the best death glare I can.

"Actually that was pretty accurate," Clint says.

I realize that Steve has been quiet this whole time.

"Steve?" I ask.

He gives me the 'I'll-tell-you-later-it's-a-long-story,' look.

"Ohh," I mouth in reply.

That can't be good.

The fight intensifies as we run closer to S.H.I.E.L.D's control room. At least I hope/think that's where we are going.

I try to rub blood that rests in my hands on my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. Not that it helped.

As soon as we enter the control room, (yes I was right!) I want to turn around and scream into a pillow. Are there still pillows on the Helicarier? I don't know. Maybe a....

"What took so long?" Tony asks flying by us.

Natasha runs over to where we are,
"Great timing! We need you all in battle. A....woah," Nat says when she sees Peter and I, "Looks like you two got a head start on the fight."

"Don't even," Peter says adjusting his mask so that it won't fly off.

Nat raises her hands,
"Okay just hurry!"

All around the room men in red (and I mean bright red,) and gold, fight our S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Most likely goons of this Magneto guy. Many of our guys (and gals) lie on the floor. It takes everything in me to choke back tears when I see how many S.H.I.E.L.D
agents are down, probably dead.

Agent Maria Hill stands on a platform firing a gun and giving our commands.

I dash after Natasha. While Nat tosses me a gun I ask her what happened.

"Well, while you were looking for Peter, you lost all contact with Steve," she says firing at a guy in red.

"I know that!" I say taking down three others.

"Turns out, Steve had accidentally cut his communications off when talking with you. Steve found Clint and asked him to turn his earpiece back on," Nat says.

Half of her sentence doesn't make since because of the fighting.

"And....." I ask.

"....and when Clint finally got Steve's earpiece working again, they couldn't get a hold of you. So while they went on the Christy-Spider hunt, Magneto and his goons were invading the Helicarier," Natasha says.

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