Chapter 3-Don't wear PJs in the kitchen.

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Chapter 3-Don't wear PJs in the Kitchen.

Dad and I run downstairs to find out why the alarm is blazing. Seriously Tony, you couldn't pick a louder alarm?

"Where are they?" Dad asks.

"Hold on. Jarvis?" I ask.

Jarvis is Tony Starks super computer. Just in case you were wondering.

"Yes Miss Coulson?" The automated voice replies.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"In Mr.Stark's lab. If you will enter the nearest elevator I will take you there," Jarvis says.

"Thanks!" I say pushing dad into the nearest elevator.

Oddly enough Agent Grant Ward happened to be in the elevator as well. He stood like a statue. Didn't talk or nothing. The elevator music was a classical piano recording, which didn't really didn't help over the ear-destroying alarm.

So after the awkward three minutes in the elevator we stepped into Tony's lab and saw the problem.

"No! Don't touch that! Fury what did your computer technoides do, Fury. I told you I could handle this," Tony yells.

Apparently, Fury just arrived as well. Two of Fury's computer geeks, Hollie and Michael are hovering over Tony's massive computer. The other S.H.I.E.L.D agents are spread out across the lab. The only people not in the room are Agent Sky, one of dad's agents, Pepper, Emma, and Emma's idol, Carl Davenport.

"Sir, what's going on?" Agent Ward says.

"Coulson, get your brainiacs in here!" Fury yells at dad.

Dad talks into his earpiece,
"FitzSimmons, where are you?" He asks.

"We are already here, sir," a female British voice says.

"No don't touch that!, Simmons," a male voice that sounds Scottish says.

"I guess they are already here, Commander," Dad says.

"Good," Fury says.

"FitzSimmons, attention," dad says.

A brown headed, young, man and woman make their way over to us.

"Agent Coulson, Sir, we have absolutely no idea what is going on here or how to stop it," the British girl says.

"What's going on here?" I ask.

"Christy, meet Agent Jemma Simmons," dad says.

"Pleased to meet you, Christy," Simmons says.

"Who's this?" The Scottish male asks.

Agent Simmons whacks the boy's arm,
"Fitz, be polite! This is...."

"Christy, Christy Coulson," I say extending my hand.

Both of their jaws drop, Agent Fitz doesn't return the hand.

"Phil Coulson has a....a...a?" Agent Fitz stumbles.

"Daughter?" I finish for him, "why is it that every time I say my name people act shocked?"

"Perhaps it's the fact that Agent Coulson withheld the fact he had living relatives," says Agent Melinda May walking up to us.

Agent May scares me.

"Excuse me, this computer is about to blow. We don't have time to deal with Christy!" Fury yells.

"Right. Agent Simmons or Fitz...what is going on?" I ask.

"About thirty minutes ago, Mr.Stark's automated computer alerted us that his computer system was being overridden," Simmons says.

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