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I skipped to their high school prom but don't worry it doesn't mean I'm ending the book.
I have been waiting forever for this day prom day. Sense it is prom day the seniors don't have school even though prom don't start until 7pm

My date is tyga. We went on a couple dates and had sex couple times but nobodies know because I wanted that way.
Tyga don't do good in relationships so I don't want it plus I'm not ready to be tied down.

I got a bunch of invites to prom but I only accepted tygas. I mean the dude is fine ass hell and if Ima spend it with anyone then it will be him.

All the girls are at August house for Zendaya. All the guys are at August brother house. It's still shocking to me that August and Zendaya never had sex but I believe it because Zendaya is innocent.

Anyways my dress is a all blue glittery dress with see through sleeves. The pic is ⬆️

My date is my boyfriend which is Chris. See me and Chris have on and offs. The dude have a big Dick but let me shut up.

Ima be wasted asf tonight and turnt the fuck up with everyone. We gonna get Zendaya to loosen  up whether she like it or not.

She probably gonna go with August. I don't know why they won't stop playing and get together already but that anit nun of my business.

I'm wearing a all red flowing dress with a diamond shape on the top the pic ⬆️

I can't go to prom. The school won't let me because my grades. All year this is all I been waiting for and now I can't go.

I'm still gonna help my girls get ready though and I'm throwing the after party for everyone. While everyone having fun I will be getting everything ready.

By everyone I do mean the whole school.

Well it's my prom day. I didn't even know what prom was until August told me. I never been to a party or a dance.

I never even weared a dress so beautiful until I was free. Everyone says tonight is a night you should never forget.

So Ima turn up but not that much of course. My date will be August and the way he asked me was gorgeous.

I was coming in the house because Ciara dropped me off. It was red and pink rose petals leading to outside. When I opened the slide door and stepped out. August was in a suit and he told me to look up. I did and it was a airplane making words in the sky saying 'will you be my prom date'

I said yes!  I'm getting ready with the girls.

I have a peach two price dress with my hair straighten the pic is ⬆️.

So it's prom night and my date is beyonce fine ass. We are sex buddies but we decided to go to prom together.

I was with the guys getting ready at Mel house. My suit is ⬆️

We all at Mel house and I can't wait to turn tf up. I already know my bae slaying. We are going to be so fucked up shit I can't wait to after the after party.

My suit is⬆️

All the guys are at my brother house. My brother a fool giving us condoms. I knew I might not use them because Zendaya but I took them anyway.

All I want to do is be turnt with everybody and get High.

My suit is⬆️


Everybody is ready and now we are waiting for the guys to pick us up in the limo.

When the guys came the driver opened the door for us and we got in. August was looking good as no other. As I was checking him out he was doing the same.

Everyone was drinking champagne already. Beyonce offered me some and I took it which shocked everyone.

B:" I guess baby girl gonna turn up with us"
Z: "hell yea".

Which caused everyone to cheer which made me laugh.


So Zendaya is gonna turn up. Good! She looks amazing and I can't wait to show her fine ass off at the dance.

We was all drinking and talking. Usually Zendaya will be the quiet one but this time no one was. I like that Zendaya is opening up I just hope it's not just for this night.

The limo stops and the driver come out to open the door and we all start walking to get inside. We all took individual pictures then the person you are here with then all together.

After pictures we all hit the dance floor. Rihanna and Chris was grinding in each other and Beyoncé is twerking on tyga.

I saw Zendaya looking at them like she was studying. I was about to tell her that she didn't have dance the way they are but she started twerking on me.

For a rookie she was doing a good job! After dancing we took a break and got some punch while talking.

So I'm having a good time! And me and August was talking until we was interrupted by I'm guessing one of his exes.

Ce:"So you think you can come up here with August on your arm."
Me:"what does it look like!"
Ce:"Listen bitch, August is mine and only mine so your fooling yourself !"

Me:"If August was yours then why do I live with him, he asked me here and he is still holding on to my waist!"

Ce:"Your still a virgin baby girl which means you don't know how to Truely please August... When he done playing games he will be right back time deep stroking and all!"

B:"Leave you crazy hoe."
Ce:"you leave tf!"
A:"I with Zendaya now not you. I don't like you at all. Zero so stop looking stupid and leave. Now!"

His crazy ex left stomping away. Beyonce went back dancing. August apologized but I was going to walk away. I feel like I'm about to cry.

She was right I don't know how to please August. As soon as he is tired of waiting he will leave me. I was about to say I'm about to go outside for some air but I got interrupted again by the principal going on the stage.

P:"well students I hope everyone having a good time... Now it's time for the main reason why all of you are here tonight... The queen is Zendaya steed."

Everyone started to cheer while I just froze. How did I win I didn't even run for it.

R:" all of the girls ran for you... Now go get your crown."

I walked on stage as everyone made room for me to pass by. They put a tiara on my head with a slash saying prom queen.

P:" now it's time for the king.... The prom king is August alsina." Everyone cheered and his hoes was the loudest.

He got on stage to get a crown saying prom king. He hooked hands and walked down to do the first dance.

I was nervous that I will mess up and everyone will laugh but as soon as I looked at August smile it was like I knew exactly what do.

When the song ended we kept dancing as everyone else joined in.

This was the best night so far and I loved it. But   I'm gonna make sure August is happy as well!

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