James Escaped!

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1 month later
It's been one month sense prom. Me,Beyonce and Ciara have already signed our contracts, have our own mangers and started singing songs in the studio.

We all decided to wait to perform after we graduate high school mostly because of our parents and the fact that we didn't wanna miss the high school moments.

Now it's yearbook time! Everyone is about to get one mostly because graduation is right around the corner.

I just can't wait to let everyone sign it so I can remember all my love ones when I'm older. I don't think I'm going to go to college.

Don't get me wrong I'm smart and could go but money is a problem. I work for August but it's not enough for me to go to a college, books, or to basically live.

Now that I'm gonna be a famous singer I'm gonna focus on that and college will have to wait. My family is proud of what ever choice I make.

Today is the day everyone get there yearbook and go around and sign it.

So the bell for the end of the day goes off and everyone gets in line to get their year book. August and Zendaya was the first people.

At our school the prom king and prom queen gets to get their yearbook first. Our school is different and unique.

We all finally got our yearbooks and I signed where my picture was in everyone books. Some of the people I didn't know but they asked me to sign it so I did.

My guess is so they can have my autograph showing they knew me before I was rich in famous. I don't blame them I would of done the same thing.

I let the people I actually did know sign my book like August,Chris, Zendaya, Ciara,Tyga, and Beyonce.

After school I went home and started to work in some more songs.

Me and my bae went to the mall after school. We bought matching Jordan's and a couple shirt with our picture together.

We took a shopping break at the food court to eat.

A:"what do you plan to do after graduation?"
Z:"I honestly don't know...if you want me to Lea.."
A:"No ofcourse not I was just asking."
Z:"oh well then what are you doing after high school.."
A:" basically still running the trap house with Mel and see what life takes me."
Z:"I think you should become a singer you have a great voice, the right style and looks."
A:" a bouncy of people have that as well but only the people with the right connections actually becomes rich and famous."
Z:"The girls maybe can talk to their managers and find someone who could maybe manage you."
A:"well I think you should become a model you have the body, looks, and height for one."
Z:" I always wanted to be a model but that most likely not going to happen."
A:"well like you said all you need is the right connections maybe the girls can help you."
Z:" they are becoming singers not modeling."
Z:" can we go home I'm tired and I think we shopped enough today."
A:"as you wish."

We pack the car and drive off to our house. We cuddled in the couch and watched big momma until she got up and went to cook dinner.

Everything was nice and peaceful until Chris bust though my door. I was about to pull the glock out until I realized it was him. Zendaya came running in with her scared face.

A:"What the hell is your problem nigga bursting through my door like you anit no sense! I should of shot your ass!"
C:" I'm sorry but James escaped!"

I look over at Zendaya and she fainted hitting her head on the wall. I picked her up and put her on the couch.

I didn't tell her that I didn't kill James. I just wanted her to be happy and not live in fright. I wanted him to die slowly and painfully.

A:" how did he escaped?"
C:" some rich people bust through the door and killed everyone that was there and let out James."
A:" when?"
C:"yesterday when we was at school... I went to the trap house and saw everyone dead. They didn't steal anything and I liked on the security cams that's how I know all this."
A:" ok get rid of the bodies, clean up the damn trap house and find the son of Bitch!"

Chris left out the door in a hurry. I knew James would come after Zendaya and I couldn't lose her.

I packed our bags, got all the money and made sure I had everything. I didn't have Zendaya passport so I will have to get on my private jet.

Zendaya woke up and started to cry. I holded her and told her everything will be ok.

A:"Ma I need you to be strong right now and trust me."
Z:"trust you? You fucking told me that I was safe here. You told me that James will never hurt me again! You are fucking lier and you tell me to trust you? Fuk you!"

I haven't heard Zendaya cuss other than when she lost her v-card. I knew she was pissed off and she gave the right to be but we need to go now.
A:" ma you right I should of killed him. You have every right to be mad but we need to leave now."

She got up and got her suitcase. I took my black Benz and took off to my private jet. My pilot was already there so as soon as we got settled on the plane he took off to the Bahamas.

Zendaya didn't look or speak to me yet. I love her I do and I should of killed him right then and there but I didn't.

Z:"why? Why didn't you kill him.."

Her voice is so weak and sad but she deserved the truth.

A:" because... Because I just wanted him to hurt like he made you and killing him so quickly is too easy."

Z:"your stupid. James gave connections and as soon as they find me I'm dead! So thanks to you only caring about your wants instead of mine I'm gonna be dead!"

A:" we are bout to go to the Bahamas so you will be safe. They won't find you and if they do they won't kill you."

Z:" You should of killed him when you had the chance."

A:" I'm sorry!"
Z:" it doesn't matter."

She's right it doesn't matter. I was selfish! I didn't care what she needed I only cared about what I wanted to do to him.

Now I have to fix my mistakes. One thing I do know is they are not killing her.

He lied to me! I'm going to be dead! James is gonna find me and kill me.

Why didn't he just kill him! Maybe God wants me to die. I can't trust anyone. Sense in too weak to do anything I mind as well die!

I'm useless so I'm mind as well die already.

James escaped= Me six feet under

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