Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I tore off my hat and winter jacket as soon as my brain registered that the room was warm. All of my warm winter wear ended up on the floor really fast and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you going to clean up your mess?"

The voice made me jump. I turned to my right and there was a rather tall man looking at me with disgust. "How did you even get in here Wizard?"

I smirked, "can you help my friends? There's two of them still up in the freezing cold. They probably think I'm dead or something. However, they'll definitely need help getting down here."

He gave me a very angry look, "Wizards aren't welcome here, and your magic won't work."

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow, "wanna bet?"

The man crossed his arms over his chest and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Warmth!" Ashley shouted from behind me and there came a thud. I glanced around to see her laying face-first on the floor. The man looked very frustrated.

"What did you do?"

I shrugged, "I'm much cooler than your average Wizard."

"Don't worry," Ashley said from the floor, "I am a Warrior!"

The man looked really disgusted at this entire meeting with us. Tela waved and smiled at him, "if you're going to have a secret city under the ice of a planet, don't put it on a map as the word secret spelled backwards."

His teeth clenched, "you children are idiots."

"I'd say we're the complete opposite," I smiled at him. "Now we need some help."

"Of course you do," he rolled his eyes. "You have people following you."

"Exactly!" Ashely said excitedly then looked up from the floor, "wait how did you know?"

"Because we know," was his answer. "Now get up off the floor and follow me." He paused and looked back to me, "and pick up your things. You don't live here and you're not a guest."

Gee thanks.

I shoved all of my stuff as quickly as I could into my bag then strapped it back onto my back. Ashley and Tela both took off all of their winter wear and packed it away then all together we followed the man out of the room.

We were on a bridge thousands of feet above an abyss and Ashely grabbed onto my arm then froze into place. She was so strong that I was forced to stand still with her. "Ashley what's wrong?"

She shook her head and Tela stopped walking to look at us. The man took a few more steps then stopped and turned to look at us annoyed.

"I can't," Ashley looked at me absolutely terrified. "There is no bottom."

"Hey, you're a Warrior," I protested. "You're a one of a kind Warrior Ashley, you can handle a bridge."

"Close your eyes and hold onto us," Tela suggested. I nodded, it was a good idea. "We'll bring you across to the next building."

This place was very weird looking. Buildings connected by bridges and an abyss underneath it all making it absolutely terrifying. Tela came closer to Ashely and Ashely let one arm let go of me so she could grab onto Tela. Then she closed her eyes and Tela laughed a little.

"You're idea," Ashley frowned, "you cannot laugh."

We took our time getting across and it pissed off the man, but that made me even more happy.

The next building had actual furniture in it. Sofas all over the place, a large dining room table in the corner. "You all need to sit here and stay, I'll be back. Do not touch anything. Anything."

When he left we all fell onto separate sofas and got way too comfortable. "I don't like this place."

I smiled at her, "because you're afraid of heights and this is suspended with nothing, just floating at the core of a planet?"

"No because this couch is lumpy," Ashley rolled her eyes. "Yes that's the exact reason! One of you may have to carry me back over that bridge when we leave."

Tela laughed loudly, "we'll just poof you over there."

"Can you do magic down here?" I asked Tela. She looked a little startled at my question. "The man looked really surprised when I teleported you two down here. Even said my magic wouldn't work."

Tela scrunched her eyebrows, "thats super odd." She tried to do something though, because he face got super concentrated for a few seconds then she looked at me, "I've got nothing. What the hell did they do?"

I shrugged, "the way he was seemed like they don't like Wizards much down here."

"Nice," Tela sighed in frustration. "Ashley brought us to a dangerous place where I'm defenceless."

"Do not blame this on Ashely," I glared at Tela, she glared back. We still didn't like each other a whole lot. "Ashley prey much saved our life. Plus, you've got her and I to protect you. Even though I don't think you'll need it."

Tela looked away angrily and Ashely rolled her eyes. We probably needed to get along better than this but neither of us are willing to try. We've gone this far for two months already, why change now? Everything works just fine. Don't fix something that's not broken.

Kind of not broken.

The man then came back into the room and he had two people following him. They both looked very powerful and their glares made me sit up straighter. I'm guessing they really don't like that two Wizards found a way down here. Especially one who can do magic in their magic-free zone.

"Hello ladies," the older woman said and took a few steps closer to us. "I see you made yourself at home."

Ashley shot up from her sofa, "sorry ma'am."

The lady looked over her carefully, "why would you bring Wizards to a Warrior sanctuary?"

Ashley looked extremely nervous and scared, "they are my friends ma'am and the reason I am anywhere near this planet in the first place."

She nodded once and looked over Tela carefully then to me. "So young Wizard, how is it that you managed to use magic?"

I smiled, "because I am more powerful than your average, or Greater Mind, Wizard."

She narrowed her eyes, "you should treat your elders with respect."

"I'll show anyone respect if they earn it," I smiled even more. "Besides, technically I have no real elders in my category. So I'll just respect myself."

The older lady frowned and glared at me, "alright young Wizard remember to watch your back then."

"Like always," I gave her one last smile then turned to Ashley, "we should ask for an easy way to the next planet because I have a feeling those followers we have will have a 'chat' with that man we talked to. And even though Tela erased his memory for the most part, he still knows where we were headed."

Ashely nodded, "right." She looked back to the Warriors, "do you have any portals we could use down here to get out of here? We have some bad people following us."

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now