Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

The older Warrior lady made us wait in the room with the sofas for an hour. Then someone arrived with some food for us and we waited another hour. It felt like forever. She finally returned with the man from earlier who had found us and the younger girl who seemed to follow her everywhere.

"What type of Wizard are you? Greater Mind? Eagle?" The old lady asked me, "nothing here can recognize your type."

Straight to the point with her, "I'm a Dragon Wizard obviously."

The expression on all of their faces said they obviously didn't believe me.

The man took a few steps towards us, "there's no such thing. They all died along with the Elves."

I raised an eyebrow, "oh yea? Could you please tell that to Spitz then?"

The three of them scrunched their eyebrows in confusion and Tela groaned, "I wish you hadn't named him that."

Ashley laughed, "why? I quite like it."

"Who? The man asked.

I got up from the sofa and rolled up my sleeve so the dragon - Spitz - was in full view for the three Warriors. "This is Spitz, because the advice he spits out at me is terrible."

The eye roll the dragon had after that was so big I could feel it on my arm. The three Warriors saw the eye roll too because they were all very frightened. "If you exist that means they are returning," the old lady seemed very frightened. "Why are you on the run? Who is following you?"

I clenched my teeth, "I'm not on the run, I'm trying to get to the only guy in this universe who can train me properly."

"Are the Dark Elves following you?"

"I have no idea!" She was making me frustrated. "They could be! Which is why we need to get out of here and get to Lifren."

The three Warriors didn't seem to like that.

"Why Lifren? That place is the most dangerous in the Universe. It's been abandoned for... well as long as its been there." The younger girl Wizard was now speaking. She seemed to know a lot about this, "sure there are creatures that live there. However none of them ever evolved enough to have a intellect like us. The brains of the animals on that planet are just like any animal you'd find in the wilds of yours, only worse. They are extremely dangerous."

I blinked once, "okay? Except we still need to go there."

The old lady let out a sigh of frustration and glared at me, "you're going to die."

"Then I'll die trying," I snapped. "Now how do we get out of here, the fastest and easiest way would be better thanks. To get out of your hair and whatnot."

She glared at us some more then called out from the door behind her. A large metal rod was wheeled in by two male Warriors fully equipped in armour. They looked uncomfortable. The metal bar thingy was wheeled into the middle of the room then taken off the wheels and placed onto the floor.

The older Warrior lady walked over to it and pressed a button on the top that I honestly wouldn't have seen if she didn't hit it. The bar then split into two pieces and the top piece floated six feet above the bottom before a blurry sheet fell from the top one and connected to the bottom one. It kind of looked like a portal but it was clear rather than blue like the normal ones I've seen all over the place.

"This will take you as far as Pasholla, then you;re on your own."

Ashley's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, "that far?"

The older lady nodded, "if it is Dark Elves following the Dragon Wizard, and she needs to get to Lifren to train then we must get her there as fast as we can." She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was saying, "war is coming, we will prepare as long as you do the same young Wizard."

I nodded once. Ashley went first. Tela went second. I walked through last. We came a few steps closer to Wallace Henry.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now