Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Tela and I found her Uncle in his office going through piles of papers. He glanced up when he saw us. "Are you two getting along now?"

Tela glanced at me but I kept my eyes on Mr. Stone. "We came to ask why the sun is out."

He looked up from his papers at me then looked at Tela. "The sun never comes out," he looked back to me and frowned, "why are you really in here?"

"Because I have a bad feeling that the sun is out. This planet is filled with vampires and I'm pretty sure that means the sun doesn't come out often."

He let out a long sigh, "the clouds always cover the sky. Rain or not, the sun has never poked through."

"Well it's out," Tela snapped at him and I looked at her. She looked very angry. "And if Eve says she has a bad feeling, then we should investigate."

I looked back at Mr. Stone, he seemed very unsure. Maybe even frightened. Tela was not herself today and I think he was seeing that too. "Alright," he gave in and stood up, "let's go find a window to look though."

Tela let out a frustrated sigh and Mr. Stone left the room. We followed him out and down the hall. He didn't even bother to find a window, he just made his way down to the pub and out the front door. As soon as he pulled it open, the bright sun hit his face and he brought up his arm to block it.

He muttered something to himself as he stepped out into the street. Tela followed him right out and I followed her slowly. Her Uncle was standing in the middle of the street looking up at the sky by the time I got out there. Tela was off to the side looking at him nervously.

"Told you," I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"This has never happened," he said while still looking at the cloudless sky. "This planet has been covered in clouds ever since its atmosphere was created and water formed on its surface."

He kept looking at the clear blue sky as if it was suddenly going to change any second. It never did. He stood for a good five minutes watching it, but nothing changed.

'You need to do something.'

I clenched my fist, a little frustrated then lifted up my sleeve a bit so I could see Spitz head. "Like what exactly?"

Tela glanced over at me but Mr. Stone didn't acknowledge me at all.

'Anything and everything, you ca do whatever.'

"Maybe we should figure out why the clouds are gone before trying to bring them back," I narrowed my eyes at my arm and Spitz just rolled his eyes.

'Fine, then start looking.'

"You are so annoying," I whispered but Tela heard me because her mouth twitched as if she wanted to laugh. Where to even start looking for someone who has gotten rid of clouds that have been here before creatures and animals?

A weird tingling sensation came over my arm where Spitz was and I rolled up my sleeve even more. "What are you doing?"

'You felt that too?'

"Of course I felt it Spitz! It's my arm you're located on!"

This outburst made Mr. Stone look away from the sky and towards me. "What's wrong?"

The tingling started again and Spitz moved around a bit as if he was uncomfortable. Which is weird because he doesn't like to move a lot. Says moving makes him use too much energy. He twisted around my arm and wiggled around a whole lot, "what is happening?"

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