Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Outhea looked like one giant city. I rented a hotel in a really, really tall building and ended up with a room near the top. Looking out the window, the giant city just seemed to go on forever. It looked amazing though. I'd probably get lost in there. Which is why I chose the hotel closest to the station.

Most people probably do that.

I took my time and took a hot bath and then found a washing machine and dryer in the closet and did a happy dance. Now I can wash all of my dirty clothes. It's been at least three weeks since that has happened.

When I got that started I found that the desk had a monitor on it so I could go online and I got really excited. Time to tell Kyra I'm not dead.

I logged onto Facebook no problem ands a million things happening. So many messages and notifications about posts.

I opened Kyra's first because she was more important.

~What's this about you missing?

~Please tell me everything is okay.


~Message me and tell me you're not dead.

~Your mother is worried... What do I tell her?

I responded faster than I ever have before.

~Tell her I'm fine. I am not dead nor can anything kill me. LOL. I'm better at this than either of us think. Don't worry too much, everything is going good!

Somewhat of a lie at the end, but she doesn't need to know exactly what's going on with me. I am fine and everything is going well... Other than the fact that I have no idea where Tela and Ashley are. But I know enough now to get to Lifren by myself if I don't run into them.

They'll meet me there. I'll see them both again. Soon.

I checked a few more things and left Facebook. Kyra was the only person I responded to and I didn't make any posts. They all can wait.

After that I laid in bed and turned on the TV. There were some pretty weird shows on but in no time at all I passed out on the over-comfortable bed.

The next day I headed straight for the station first thing in the morning. It probably wasn't safe enough for me to go through a portal yet, but I wanted to see how far I could travel. I need to pick up the pace here.

There were a lot of people trying to use the portals and no one really waited for their turn. They all just kept pushing through, hitting their locations and running into them before the next person to push their way through changed the location.

So many people with so little patience.

This went on for a half an hour until everyone had gone through the portals and only us who had some manners were left. An old couple gave me a smile and the woman made a comment about young people being rude. I just nodded and gave them a toothless smile before walking up to a screen.

They are rude.

I searched for a bit and found the planet Xascurn. It was in a solar system right next to the one Lifren is in! This is great news! One more stop and I'll be on my way!

"Miss," a deep voice made me jump. I turned around to two men in black uniforms that had the word Police written on the left side.

"Can I help you?" I asked as calmly as I could. I hope I didn't do anything wrong. This could end horribly if I had and then I won't make it to Xascurn or Lifren.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now