Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

Kamer made me wait in the Police station while he went home to pack his things. He made me sit in the main area where all of the police officers and detectives worked. They all looked at me like I was some kind of God once Kamer told them who I was.

None of them tried to speak to me, they were too afraid. They just glanced at me while passing by and stared at me from across the room.

I couldn't even get access to a computer or a phone or anything. None of them would let me touch my backpack and none of them would talk to me. It became very frustrating after the first five minutes. After an hour and a half it was driving me mad.

That was when Kamer finally came back from packing. I stood up when he came in and everyone turned to look at me as if something terrible was about to happen.

"Stop it people!" I yelled and Kamer looked at me with surprise. "These people are driving me mad."

He slowly turned his body while still watching me carefully. When he was sure I wasn't going to yell out again he turned his head to where his body was facing. "She needs her bag please," he said to the officer who had it sitting at his desk.

The officer watched me carefully then slowly handed my bag to Kamer. Kamer rolled his eyes then tossed my bag to me. I swear the entire room froze and held their breath while that bag was flying through the air and when I caught it they must have all thought it was going to explode or something. None of them made a move until I had the bag on my shoulders and safely strapped on.

Great to know they trust me.

"Stop your staring!" Kamer yelled at them and they all turned away pretty quickly.

After his outburst we left. I let out a huge sigh of relief when we got out of the building. Kamer glanced at me as I did and laughed a little. "They aren't terrible people."

I rolled my eyes, "they kept avoiding me and staring at me like I was some strange freak of nature."

"You are just a sign that war is coming," he chuckled to himself. "They're afraid."

I mumbled a "they're wimps" which he didn't hear or just didn't comment on as we continued down the street.

His space ship thing wasn't huge. It was probably smaller than the one Tela and I took to the Light Elves old planet all that time ago. Wow, that seems like forever ago.

It had two seats in the front and a bed right behind each seat hanging off the wall. "This is very small."

"It was for my wife and I when we were travelling."

"Oh, I'm really sorry." Just like me to open my big mouth.

"Don't be," he laughed lightly, "that was ages ago. We loved each other and had the time of our lives. Nothing wrong with that."

"So she's..." I didn't want to make assumptions that she was dead or anything.

"At home looking after out cat. His name is Sir Fur the Fifth." Kamer smiled brightly as he turned on the ship and closed the doors behind us then sat on one of the drivers chairs. "Cat's sadly don't live as long as we Wizards do."

"She's okay with you doing this?" I raised an eyebrow and threw my bag onto the bed opposite his.

He shrugged and I sat down into the other chair and put on the seatbelt. "She knows that its part of my life. She and met after the war. So, as much as she hates it, she knows I have to do it."

"You didn't need Spitz for proof?" I said with surprise and he turned to look at me confused and a little disappointed.

"Do not tell me you named your dragon Spitz."

I smiled brightly, "he spits out useless information."

'Not all of it is useless. I am full of use most of the time.'

"Not most of the time," I rolled up my sleeve to look at him finally. "You are annoying most of the time. I actually tune you out a lot."

Kamer looked at me in disbelief, "you have a weird relationship with him."

I smiled back at him, "that's because my dragon is annoying."

He just gave me a long look then went back to the controls of the ship, "alright well we better get going then." I smiled to myself as we took off into outer space. These ships weren't the nicest way to travel, but they were faster than taking a portal a day that's for sure.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now