Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

Pasholla is a warm planet. There's a lot of rain, but nothing an umbrella can't help. We ended up in the middle of a brick street. It looked like how I imagine ancient Rome to look, only everyone wore expensive clothing that looked very modern. As if everyone was off to a night club or a really fancy ball.

Thanks to the clouds covering whatever top of sun this planet revolved around, the majority of its residences happen to be Vampires. We could see all of their red marks very clearly. They all had them on display as if they were showing them to everyone.

"I think we need to change," Tela suggested and Ashley and I nodded in agreement. We all quickly found a store with the same kinds of clothing everyone outside was dressed in and went our separate ways to find something we liked.

I searched a few racks before I came across a dress I liked, then a few more racks and I found a jacket to match. With the help of a Vampire store worker, I found a tiny clutch that went with the outfit and it has the same type of spell on it that lets you put an endless about of stuff into it. So I could just shove my back pack in there and be set to go.

The lady let me try the clothes on in one of the many dressing rooms and when I asked if I could wear it out of the store, she actually was excited. So I paid then went to the front to wait for Tela and Ashely. Tela was already at the front waiting for me.

My dress was long-sleeved, dark purple with little silver spots that looked a bit like stars. Tight to my body until under my butt where the fabric changed into a more sheer material. Silver and black mixed together that poofed out a bit then flowed to the floor beautifully.

Tela wore a deep red dress, it had no straps and a sweetheart neck line. It was tight until just above her hips, then it flowed all the way to the floor. She looked graceful.

Tela and I both looked at each other for a long time.

"That dress looks really good on you," she finally said after a long moment of silence.

"Thanks," I gave her a small smile. "You look amazing in that."


Now time for awkward silence until Ashley shows up and saves us.

It took her a good ten minutes to find us waiting awkwardly at the front door. She had a light grey sparkly dress on that has two straps and a U-neckline. It wasn't all tight but it wasn't all flowy, just went straight down to the floor. She never wears glitter, so this is very different for her.

"Wow," Ashley smiled at both of us, "I've never seen you two this fancy before! You look great!"

"You look great too!" Tela told her while smiling brightly, "now we should get going."

Ashely smiled at me and we both followed Tela out, she seemed like she was in a rush. Though I'm not sure why. We should be good for a bit here.

Our umbrellas kept us dry up top but the fabric of the dresses was special apparently because the rain just rolled right off. Nothing was getting wet. Even stepping in puddles didn't do a thing. The dresses stayed completely dry.

"This is incredible," Ashely whispered to me with excitement. "I bet I could fight in these clothes and they'd end up still looking perfect at the end of it."

I nodded and laughed, "yep, no blood stains to worry about."

"Yes!" She said a little loudly and Tela turned around to look at us questioningly.

Ashley smiled at her, "I'm going to fight in this dress."

Tela looked a little alarms but just nodded her head and went, "okay you do that," before turning around and continue to walk down the brick street.

Ashely smacked me on the side, "thanks ya weirdo."

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, "you're the one who got too excited. Don't blame me!"

She rolled her eyes, and laughed then kept walking along without saying anything. I followed the two closely. Tela seemed to know where she was headed and Ashely looked as if she was just excited to be along for the ride.

They were two of my best friend now, even if I still was annoyed by Tela all the time. I wonder what Kyra would do if she was with us on this adventure. No doubt she'd be as excited as Ashley all the time. However I think that she and I would get on each others nerves a lot like Tela and I do.

I remember the camping trip in the sixth grade we got to share a tent for five days together and by the end we wanted to rip each others heads off. Then we got home and spent a day apart and returned to school as if the whole trip had gone so smoothly.

Tela turned into a building and Ashely followed without question. I stopped and looked up at the building for a second then followed them in. The outside kind of looked like a hotel and was very tall. The inside on the other hand, looked like those pubs you see in movies.

Very bad lighting, filled with scary looking men and women, tall tables wth tall chairs to match, a waitress in a skimpy outfit bringing around drinks on her round tray.

Yep, looks like a movie pub. Except everyone is a vampire.

"Can I help you children?" One of the waitresses asked us. She looked a little annoyed to see us in here. Maybe she was just mad that she had to kick us out. Customers came in that can't actually purchase a thing.

"We're here to see Mr. Stone," Tela gave the lady a fake smile. "I don't need an appointment or anything. He's my uncle, so I'll let myself in."

The lady gave Tela a very angry look, "he's in an important meeting young lady, besides I don't believe you. You walk in there and you'll be in some big trouble."

Tela rolled her eyes and laughed, "well then get someone to go tell him that you're not letting his one and only favourite niece in to see him and we'll see who's in trouble."

The lady took a long look at Tela then looked at Ashley and I, "what do you two want?"

Ashley shrugged and I glanced at Tela, "we are friends of this wonderful niece of Mr. Stone. That and we all happen to be stuck on this quest together. So if one of us goes somewhere, we all go somewhere."

She pursed her lips, "kids these days."

She probably meant to mutter it to herself but we all heard her loud and clear.

"Hey lady, this 'kid' is going to save your life one day," Ashely took an angry step towards her. "So you better treat her with respect or when the universe starts to end, she won't save your sorry butt. Got it?"

Tela slowly pulled Ashely away from the waitress who seemed a little horrified. Not in an actual scared way, just a 'I can't believe this child just tried to threaten me' kind of way.

"I'm going to go inform Mr. Stone that someone claiming to be his niece is here," the lady told Tela then turned back to Ashely and I, "don't touch anything. You'll have to pay for it and I doubt you'll have enough money after purchasing those dresses. Young children like you on quests don't have enough to buy dresses like that and still have money after the fact."

She turned away and strutted out of the room before we could say anything else to her.

"Well she was nice," I commented. Tela and Ashely both turned and glared at me. I took a step back, "wow, take some sarcasm in your life guys."

Ashely rolled her eyes, "please make sure she dies when the Dark Elves attack."

"I make no promises."

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