Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Kamer told me a few things about how the way Dark Elves fight. Just like how they like to use our dragon's against us rather than fight us head on. However, they will if they have to.

That's probably why Starla tried to use Kyra. To get to me and to fight me. So I'd destroy my best friend instead of fighting the real enemy. So as hard as it will probably be when the time comes, if Spitz turns against me I can't fight him. I have to fight the Dark Elf who has gained control of him.

It's not going to be an easy fight. I'll probably lose, but I have to at least try.

We ended up playing a few card games, taught each other different games for a couple hours. Then he gave me a book that he wrote when he was learning about being a Dragon Wizard and he went back to watching over the controls. We were only a few solar systems away now.

His notes were mostly about testing his powers and two of his friends. His friend Dew who was also a Dragon Wizard, just had been for fifty years longer than him. Also his friend George who was a Chetah Wizard. They all compared powers. Gave each other tests. Saw all what they could really do.

Dew and Kamer were amazingly close in results but George's results were pretty great too.

They all had different things about their powers that just worked. Dew's were the strongest however, no surprise there.

"What happened to Dew and George," I asked after finishing his notes.

"Dew fought in the war, she was amazing," he said proudly. "George, well I'm not sure. He was a few years older than me. But we had a fall out."

"How bad?"

Kamer shrugged, "he was a Greater Mind, he started to go crazy the more he practiced magic with Dew and I. We asked him to get help, and he didn't agree with us."

I wonder if Tela would get help if Ashley and I asked her to... Or would something like this happen to us?

I hope all of history won't repeat itself in this case.

When we got closer to our destination, I fell asleep again. When I woke up, it was because this tiny spacecraft was trying not to fall down into the atmosphere of Lifren. It sounded like it wanted to break apart at the seams.

"Sorry!" Kamer yelled when he saw that I had sat down in the seat beside him. "She's great a take-offs, but hates the landings."

"And apparently entering atmospheres," I mumbled to myself. He didn't hear me though, I couldn't even hear myself over the sound of the ship. Well, now I won't have to worry about Dark Elves or snake bites, this ship will crash and I'll die.

The worst part about moving up to the front of the ship so I could see out the window was that I could see the mountains of Lifren that were fast approaching.

"Slow down!" I yelled.

Kamer laughed loudly.

I'm going to die.

There came a screeching noise and he pulled up just in time to land in a rather large patch of grass. I took three deep breaths then shot up out of the seat and ran out the door of the space ship. Never again.

The air outside was crisp. It felt wonderful, almost like I was finally home. This wasn't my home though. I need to remember that.

"My parking isn't that bad," Kamer laughed as he stepped out of the ship.

I rolled my eyes and he threw my bag at me again. While he closed the ship and locked it up I looked around. All the mountains looked very different but exactly the same all at once. It was terrible. How am I supposed to find Wallace Henry in the maze?

"Have any idea of where to go?" Kamer asked once he was finished.

I shook my head, "I don't even know where we are. And I don't think I'll be able to find him because we've never met in real life so it'll be too difficult for me to try."

We both stayed silent for a long second and then he went, "so then just search for you friends."

"Right," wow go me. "I'm such an idiot."

Why'd the Universe pick me out of all the people to save it?

"Ready to go?" Kamer asked when he saw me thinking really hard. I nodded my head and started to walk in whatever direction felt right.

Every time I've wanted to find something while walking around, I just think about it and I'll find it in no time. So I just need tithing about Tela and Ashely and we'll stumble upon them eventually.

"Do you know where you're going?" Kamer asked after a few minutes of wondering through the forest. "Or any idea of which way you're headed?"

"Nope," I sighed. "I usually just start walking and the thing I'm looking for appears."

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

I shot a glare back at him, "it got me this far didn't it?"

He rolled his eyes and I turned away and kept walking. I'll find them just to prove him wrong. Out of spite now.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now