Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Mr. Stone fed us dinner, gave us each our own room, and let us entertain ourselves for the rest of the evening. Above his office was all hotel rooms. So many rooms. Tela picked out the best ones then let Ashley and I choose our own. She too left us to entertain ourselves.

Ashely and I agreed that we would take our time in cleaning ourselves up then she would come to my room and we would watch a movie or something together. She takes longer than me to shower and bathe.

My room was huge.

The ceiling was super high up and there were three chandeliers. Three massive glass chandeliers. Every piece of furniture looked like it came straight out of a castle. Right down to the drink coasters on the coffee table and the tassels hanging from the lamp shades. Even the curtains had the craziest of details.

Do not break anything Eve.

I ran the bath while I rinsed off all the gross sand in the shower first. There was still so much sand. The bath was filled with bubbles and by far the best thing to happen in the past two months since we left school.

I stayed in there until I looked like a wrinkly old prune, then stayed longer. I only got out when the water I was sitting in got colder than the air outside of the bath.

After that, I sat on the heated floor for a bit while wearing my dressing gown to dry off. I didn't want to move because I was so comfortable. I'm guessing Ashely was doing the same. Actually, she was probably still in the bath. She's one of those people who would just change over the water in the bath every once and a while to keep it warm.

After about fifteen minutes of floor sitting, I finally got enough energy to get up and get dressed into my PJ's.

As soon as I had those on, there came a knock on the door. I quickly ran to answer it and had to catch my breath because, wow, did I mention this room is very large. I smiled when I opened the door and Ashely was behind it. She had PJ's on too, and she had a bowl of popcorn in one hand and two cans of a soda in the other.

"I found soda pop from my planet here! I can't wait for you to try it!"

I smiled even brighter, "yes! I love trying new food."

We both fell onto different couches in the living area of my room and put the popcorn on a table between us. "Since you have never seen a movie from Premin," Ashely said as she turned on the electronics and started to set up whatever movie we were going to watch. "I'm going to make you watch my three favourites. Then you can choose three from Earth that are you're favourites and we'll watch them in turns."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "we do not have enough time for six movies."

She shrugged, "we may fall asleep during one, but Tela said that we were going to stay here for at least two nights. Something about helping her Uncle tomorrow, so we have lots of time."

"Helping her Uncle with what?"

Ashley thought for a long moment. "I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention because I kind of fell asleep in the bath and then she came to my door and woke me up. However, it had something to do with her mom. Her mom died when she was ten, you know that right?"

I nodded, yes I did know that piece of information of Tela's life.

"Well she said there wasn't a grave for her, I think." Ashley squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to remember, "yea they're going to get her a spot to put something to remember her by. Because she died in space and her body was never found."

Ashley opened her eyes and blinked at me.

"Why was that so hard for you to remember?"

She thought for a moment, "it's like I know exactly what she said and I want to say it but something doesn't want me saying it to you."

I clenched my teeth, "Tela just keeps doing things that make me trust her less and less."

Ashley nodded, "don't take in personally. She's just afraid to screw up around you. So she tries to be perfect but she gets nervous and ends up screwing up anyways."

"She should never have been afraid of me in the first place," I rolled my eyes.

Ashley sighed, "you are pretty scary Eve, ever since you came back from that dream coma."

"Ever since I learned how to use my powers a little bit?"

She nodded sadly and didn't say anything else on the subject. "Now get ready for Men with Roses. Best movie of my generation, you're going to love it."

I smiled a little, "you have high expectations. Maybe I hate movies."

She shot a scared look in my direction, "do you hate movies."

"No one hates movies," I laughed. "Now let's get this going!"

She hit the play button and for the first time ever, I saw a movie that was filmed on an alien planet that I've never been to. I bet there are millions of movies out there. So many that I'll never be able to see them all.

When the movie ended, Ashely was fast asleep.

I turned off all of the electronics she had turned on then switched off the lights to the room. Light was still coming in through the curtains so I could see where the couch was when I grabbed one of the extra blankets and laid it across Ashely. Then I closed the secondary curtains and turned the room pitch black before crawling into my bed.

It was the best bed I've ever slept in.

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