Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

The next morning we snuck out the back door of the hotel after signing out because there were many men on horses waiting outside the front door. The hotel man admitted this happens a lot so they had a back door that led straight to the station for this purpose.

Escore was fun and Ashley said she'd come back one day because the men were cute but we were all too happy to leave. The next planet the two of them agreed on was Shosle. Ashley told me that the natives on the planet are very barbaric so they put the hotel in the station. Very few venture out onto the planets surface.

Those who do usually are killed.

The planet itself looks like a tropical island. There's so much ocean everywhere but all the land twists and turns around it. Lots of sun and nice sand.

We booked a hotel room then sat on the balcony to watch the twisted ocean. It was pretty calm, and every once and a while you could see a huge ocean creature come above the surface of the water and look around before heading back down.

"I wonder how deep it is down there," Ashley said excitedly after the fifth creature disappeared. "The water is so blue and looks so shallow but there are so many huge things down there. It's very hard to tell."

I nodded, "they're probably under the land or something. There's got to be caves for them to hide in or something."

"Or they could have some kind of cloaking ability that only words under the water so when they come up they appear but secretly they're always there. Just hiding. Right beneath the surface."

Ashley and I looked at each other then at Tela. Her theory was kind of scary.

"You got very dark very quick," Ashley told Tela.

"Sorry," she sheepishly smiled and looked away from us. "I was just thinking."

Ashley grew very concerned, "about what?"

Tela shrugged and didn't look at us again. She didn't even try to answer the question. Ashley looked at me a little concerned and I shrugged. Guess she wasn't going to try to win my trust back any time soon.

After a few long moments of silence my arm started to tingle weirdly and I looked down at it. "Oh what is it now?"

'They are near I think.'

"Who's near?" Ashley and Tela both turned to look at me, slightly alarmed.

'The Dark Elves, they can feel you and I can feel them.'

I muttered a few curse words to myself as I got up from the balcony and ran into the room. Ashley and Tela followed me in, also very alarmed.

I grabbed my backpack and went searching through it for the sleeve. When I found it, I wasted no time in pulling it over my tingling arm. "What's happening?" Ashley asked when she saw I had everything but Spitz tail covered.

"You two need to buy me some time," I whispered and they both looked at me in horror. Before either of them could protest, I kept going. "They're super close and if they find me I could be done for. So just stay here tonight and make sure they don't follow me. I'll be back tomorrow morning when the sun rises, if I'm not then get to Lifren and get Wallace Henry to find me."

"Eve, no," Ashley said sternly and Tela nodded her head in agreement.

"Look," I sighed, "I can survive out there. But I don't want to risk bringing you two."

"We are coming with you," Tela protested.

I shook my head, "you are staying here and making sure the Dark Elves don't find me."

Ashely sighed, "Eve, you don't have to leave."

"I do," I took a step towards the door. "If I stay they'll find me, and we can't go through the portal again today. So wait here and make sure they don't leave and when the sun rises tomorrow, we'll head for the next planet together."

"If you're there," Tela muttered.

I looked at her for a long moment, "I will be there."

We all went quiet so I took that as my cue to leave. I slowly opened the room door and peered down eh hallway. She was there. Starla. At the end of the hall, getting into her room. She had four people with her. I slowly closed the door and stepped back into the room.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked and reached for the door. I stuck my hand out and stopped her from going any further.

"Starla," I whispered.

She froze, "that's not good."

"That's a polite way of saying 'oh shit'." Tela rolled her eyes.

I shot her a glare and headed towards the balcony. "You can't escape off of the balcony!" Ashley whisper-yelled at me. "That's crazy!"

"What else do you expect me to do?!" I shot back at her.

"We're five stories up!" She was very angry with this idea.

"I can jump from balcony to balcony," I clenched my teeth. "I'm doing it whether you approve or not Ashley!"

She let out a huff of frustration then looked to Tela for help. "It isn't the best idea," Tela said and Ashley smacked her. "What?!"

"You are no help at all!!!" Ashley smacked her again.

"Goodbye," I told them both and climbed over the rail of the balcony. Ashley ran up to me and glared. "Tomorrow, sunrise."

She clenched her teeth and nodded, "you're an idiot and I hate you."

"Good," I muttered and started to lower myself down slowly. I held onto the floor of out balcony then dropped into the balcony bellow us. There was a couple there looking very frightened.

"Sorry," I smiled at them, "I'm just passing through. Didn't mean to intrude."

They both looked very horrified so I quickly climbed over the railing of their balcony and lowed myself down enough to drop onto the next balcony. There was no one there thank goodness, so I continued on to the next balcony and the next.

The fifth one had its room curtains opened and a naked man stood there in his room. I closed my eyes shut and threw my hand over them just for his sake. I did not want to see this at all. "I'm sorry!" I yelled enough for him to hear me and he screamed a little. I turned to the railing and quickly dropped to the ground while looking everywhere except the balcony doors.

The ground had a family at the pool. The parents looked at me frightened and the three kids seemed pretty excited that some girl fell from the balcony. "I swear this is all purposeful," I gave them a small smile and turned away.

The pool had a small half fence around its area and a few meters away was the invisible wall that kept the locals out and from finding this station.

I hopped over the fence and ran for my life out that wall. When I got onto the other side I looked back for a second and couldn't see anything. Ashley and Tela we're probably watching me, but all I could see was sky.

I ran away as fast as I could. Because this could mean life or death for me, and maybe even the entire universe.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now