Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Pasholla portals were able to transport us as far as Escore. Which wasn't very far. Escore turned out to be a whole lot of nothing. So many fields of crop in every direction. It also seemed very flat.

Ashley found us a hotel just down a dirt road from the station that we could stay at for the evening. I was very happy for the lack of wind on Escore because otherwise I'd have dirt joining the sand left over from Ualara.

We had to share a room. It had one queen sized bed and one small couch with two seats, but since I was the shortest I took the couch.

"No I'll sleep on the couch," Tela tried to protest. "I deserve it."

I rolled my eyes, "sleep on the bed. You're too tall for the couch."

She opened her mouth to argue some more but I held up my hand to stop her. "I don't need to argue with you any more today please. Just sleep on the dang bed."

She stopped arguing and Ashley looked at me weirdly. "I'm going to go find some food since we all skipped breakfast. Would one of you like to come with me?"

"I'll come," I managed to say first, "Tela didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night so she should take a nap."

Tela gave me a long look before nodding in agreement. "Okay," she seemed disappointed but she needs sleep if she's going to try to get her head back on straight.

Ashley and I fixed ourselves up to match the planet then headed out. Ashley got a map from the man at the front desk of the hotel and we headed out to find the closest town. It wasn't very close at all. "We're going to be walking for a while," Ashley groaned.

"Hey, you slept longer than I did last night." I joked and she laughed.

"That may be true," she smiled, "but I am now a light sleeper so I don't stay asleep the whole time."

"True," I smiled back at her. "But you still manage to sleep more than me."

We walked for a bit in silence and every once and while Ashley would make a comment and we'd laugh. It was almost like we were just hanging out rather than on a quest that may help the fate of the universe. The Universe probably depends on this quest more than I'll ever admit.

Ashley pointed out a weird looking scarecrow to me right before we spotted the town finally. We were both got because of the sun and lack of wind. It was very nice being able to see the town finally. Like land in a never ending ocean of farms.

There were only a few people outside walking around, even more people just sitting on porches outside of shops. It looked a lot like an old western town except its surrounded by grass and flowers. Ashely used a small piece of glass that she keeps on her at all times to read the signs to see which one sold food.

It's pretty handy.

Ashley found it pretty quickly probably because theres not a whole lot of buildings. The sign on the door even apparently said they were open for a few more hours, so that was convenient. Inside they had many different vegetables and fruits all over the place. That seemed to be the most of what they had to sell. It didn't surprise me a whole lot.

There was a small section of meats and an even smaller section for dairies. Then in the back they had a whole lot of bread. It all looked the same to me, even if Ashley said the labels were very different.

We decided I'd get the fruits and vegetables and Ashley would get the rest. Mostly because we only had one of the translator glass things and the meat and dairy was a dangerous place to venture into without something to help us figure out the differences between everything.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now