Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty.

We took a break every time we ran into a lake. About three times that day while the sun was still up. When we got to the fourth lake, Kamer thought we should stop for the night because the sun was starting to set. It was going to get really cold really fast.

He had a tent in his bag that he set up while I made a fire and cooked some of the food I was carrying in my bag.

"You seem worried," I said after he finally sat down across the fire from me. He had spent way too much time fidgeting with that tent. Something was bothering him.

He shrugged, "I just don't feel welcome here. Like there's something telling me to go away."

"Really?" I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "I get the opposite feeling here. I feel like I'm home finally."

"Did you know that Lifren was used as the home base for the Dragon Wizards."

I blinked, "what?"

He nodded, "yea we all came here for training at least once. Then you'd come here to know who you were going to fight along side before they sent you off into the war."

"Huh," I thought for a moment, "then how come you feel like running away from it?"

"Wallace must've done something."

He must have. I've never felt so at peace with a place, and I've been to a lot of different places. "I'm not sure if I like it. I already have a home."

Kamer stared at me for a second, "remember your home and you'll do just fine. Just never forget where you're from."

We went quiet for the rest of the time the sun was setting then each rolled out a sleeping bag in the tent and tried to fall asleep. I kept falling back to sleep and waking up over and over again. I couldn't get comfortable at all. Nothing was letting me fall asleep and stay that way.

Finally the sun peaked over the edge of the mountains and I decided to get up. I rolled over to see Kamer was gone already. When did he leave? I would have heard him.

I sat up and looked around before whispering, "Kamer."

There was no answer so I got dressed and left the tent. His bag was still in there, that wasn't a good sign. He shouldn't have left a note or something if he was going to go for a walk or explore or whatever.

There were no footsteps or anything, so I decided to take some time to pack up the tent back into his bag. I took my time too. Nothing happened and he didn't return so I fed myself breakfast then decided to keep heading in the direction we had been walking in yesterday. If he's smart, he'll go that way.

Besides, if I ever really need to find him I know I'll be able to. Wallace Henry and Tela could help look too.

I shoved his bag into mine and started walking. Find Tela and Ashley, you'll find Wallace Henry and then find Kamer again. Simple as that.

I found another lake not too long into my walk. With a dock. Where did this come from? Who would make a dock for this one lake specifically?

The dock went out into the middle of the lake too. It stretched so far and that was a huge surprise. The entire thing was dark wood and the lake was a crystal blue colour. Almost see-through. At the very end of the dock was some lump something that was very hard to make out exactly what it was.

Being the idiot I am, got on the dock and started to walk down. I still have no idea where any one is yet so might as well investigate while I look for them.

I took my time walking across the dock. The water was murky and blue and I couldn't see down to the bottom at all. It was a little scary because twice a school of fish swam up towards the surface and made my heart race for a bit until they disappeared again.

As I got closer to the middle, the dock became more unstable and wobbly. I walked even slower and hardly looked up to make sure whatever was on the end didn't fall off or fly away or something.

I looked up finally when I was five feet away and saw his face staring back at me. Eyes and mouth wide open. Stuck in fear.

"Kamer," I whispered then looked away.

He's dead.

What am I going to do now?

"Why'd you bring him here?" A loud voice yelled at me from the shore line behind me.

I spun around. Wallace Henry was there with my two travelling companions tied to trees. They had tape across their faces and couldn't move because there was so much rope holding them to the trees. I couldn't see everything that well from this far away but I'm guessing they don't look so good.

"Did you kill him?" I yelled back and started t walk back along the dock towards him.

"You gave me no choice!" Wallace Henry yelled back. "I told you to come alone for one. It was bad enough your two friends showed up telling me you were lost on Shosle. Then you arrived yesterday with the enemy."

"The enemy?" I scoffed, "the enemy is the Dark Elves! They're still out there! We need to fight them together, not fight each other."

He let out a deep laugh and sighed, "my dear, he was the enemy. They all are!"

"You're crazy," I muttered to myself and took off running down the dock. He might kill Ashley or Tela and I can't let that happen. I need them.

He seemed to smile as he saw me running towards him. Then the dock in front of him shot up into the sky, I dug my feet into the wood to stop myself. The wood kept shooting up into the sky, board by board. Then the one right in front of me finally shot up and flew over to the shore where the others had pilled up and he stopped.

I took a deep breath and Wallace Henry just stared at me with a creepy smile.

"We need to cleanse the Universe."

"Of what exactly?" I yelled in frustration. Was this his plan the whole time? How does he expect me to join him now? He's killed someone who could have helped me more and kidnapped my two friends.

"The magic."

The way he said it made chills go down my spine. Not the good kind either.

The water underneath me started to sway and I as on the part of the dock still that wasn't properly attached to the ground beneath the water for whatever reason. I fell to my knees and held onto the sides of the end wood panel and glared at Wallace Henry.

"How do you still have magic?"

The water calmed for a second, "my dragon wasn't with me when the war ended."

Then the water picked up and the waves it was creating white caps on the tops of them. There was a loud splash behind me and I swung my head around to see that a huge wave had knocked off Kamer's body.

"No," I whispered and held onto the dock. I sent a rope down there to tie around his ankle and a buoy to the other side so I could find him later.

Wallace Henry noticed because the waves got stronger. "Leave him."

"He has a family!" I screamed and the four pieces of dock that I was on broke off and lifted up above the water slowly. The water got higher but so did I. If he wants a fight, then he'll have a fight.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now