Chapter Eleven

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The windows rolled down, and the harsh wind slapped me in the face, as I speed down the highway, letting my lips wrap around the opening of the Gin bottle, I took a swig thinking of how me and Mijo even became friends. Besides my daughter being born, It's something I would never forget.

"Momma, I'm going down to the park!" I slammed the screen door shut and I knew my moms was inside shaking her head at how hard I pulled the door closed. My forehead dripped with sweat already, this summer heat could kill if it wanted too. My untied converse hit the conrete and I was gone. No one was telling me nothin' my mind was on getting me a  swing under the tree that had so much shade. After what felt like forever, I came to a stop letting forced air fill my lungs, Breathing hard, I finally stopped and walked to the vacant swing set, and cleanly took a seat, and pushed myself. making the swing go back and forth. Looking down at my ripped jean shorts, I noticed how every boy child that was there was with their dad, And I grew self conscious. Yeah, I didn't have much, but I had things, and I praised my momma, cause doing this on her own had to be tough; at that time, she was raising a 6 year old, on her own, while working three jobs, most would've crashed under this pressure, or like my father left.

"Dirty, get off my swing!" Someone's hands laid on my back, then jolted me forward causing me to eat a mouthful of wood chips that surrounded the park. Wiping myself off, and standing to my feet, I looked up only to see some bullshit. A group of boys boxed me in, and glared at me; One the "ring leader" of the grand scheme, stepped forward and said "This is mine stupid, go back to where you came from!"

I blinked, and almost began to laugh. At a young age, I had the same temper I do now, It had to be five boys, and I was still ready to go down fighting.

A Small figure appeared next to me, and put his small palm on my shoulder and said "Stop messing with him Tony."

Tony released a cocky grin, like he knew he had this fight, but still the kid next to didn't feel the need to let them know he was just as scared as I was. That's why I loved Mijo, in different situations, he was me. 

Without a word, Tony stepped closer, punching me onto the ground, and jumping on top of me, his fist meeting my face, blow after blow until Mijo pulled him off of me, and kicked him the throat, while I bopped in the stomach. Of course it was out matched, Five over sized six, and seven year olds to two skinny seven years olds, but guess what? Mijo and I was gon' take this ass whopping together, like brothers should, and we did.

My car served a little, as I pulled out of the daze, the bottle hitting the floor instantly.

"What." I answered the phone, MiMi's voice filled my ear; I lowkey grew heated, Oh NOW you wanna call me, but you ain't wanna call and tell me the news this morning, you can miss me with the bullshit.

"I know you mad, BUT I got my reasoning for not telling you okay."

"And that was?" I want her to say some dumb shit, I really do.

"First off, cut that fucking attitude out, secondly Mijo is in a coma, And I sure as hell ain't want you to see him like that okay, I know y'all boys, and that would kill you inside to walk in here and see him hooked up to an I.V."  I nodded at her truthful words, then sighed when she was done. She was right as fuck, I would've most likely have losted it, But I still am mad.

"You got any insight as to who did it? How bad is it?"

"He was loosing to much blood at first, they put into the coma, then got the bullet out, It's all on him to wake up, but as to who did it, I have no clue this is why I am calling you, you gotta find out cash, we need to smoke this nigga ass, whoever did it, female or male, he gotta die for almost getting my baby." Her voice was cracking, she sounded sleepy and broken to the max.

"When's the last time you've gotten any sleep Mi?"  She went on to tell me how, she been her all day and then some, and how she hasn't showered in forever. "You got any clothes with you?"

"Yeah, why?" Hanging before I answered her question, I set the GPS, laying in the Address to the hopsital.


"I ain't know you was coming!" Throwing her small arms around me, Mimi pulled into a hug, and feeling Obligated, I hugged her back, knowing she needed one.

"That was the idea Mi." she lightly punched me in my chest, walking deeper into the hospital room, There laid my bro, needles and shit keep him alive, I looked away, saying a few motivational words in my head.

"You ready? You coming back to my place, I think Dahlia can keep you company, and you need a shower and sleep, cause I can smell you from over here little mama." I threw a joke in there, trying to lighten the mood, hoping it would work, and it did because A small chuckle flew from her lips; instantly she looked from me, back to Mijo..she just stared, And I knew she was contemplating leaving in, And I could understand that. "He will be here when we come back, trust me."

Simply she kissed Mijo on the cheek, whispering a few words to him, grabbed her coat and bag, and nodded.

"Let's go." Before leaving, I dapped my brother up, telling him to hang tight Telepathically.

"How's D?" Buckling herself in, I pulled out and towards the house, as she asked about Dahlia.

"Same since the last time you've seen her." I added, keeping my eyes focused on the road.

"The last time I seen her, she was scared, menatally drained and still a virgin? I am guessing you changed the last one huh?" I couldn't help but to smile at that, All I did was nod as my checks turned a bright scarlet.

"Pussyyyyyyyyy whipped or nahhh?" I smacked my lips, and laughed. Whipped? Never that, you can bet your ass on it.

"You coming crazy as hell, if you think I'm pussy whipped, NEVER." I laughed, maybe a slightly powerful right turn, causing her to hit the door hard. "My fault sis."

"Yo not knowing her to drive ass, park this shit Cash for you kill us all." I could tell her ass was heated because her curls bounced back and forth as she cussed me out, All I did was laugh while I parked the car In the drive way, she lucky the sis or her ass might've been dead, IF it was someone else cussin' me like she was.

"Let's go shitty mouth, always talking shit and poppin' neck." I pulled out the house key, and opened the door, and Instantly My ears were filled with loud moans.

"Who else in this bitch? Fuckin' and shit." Mimi came in behind me, and made a face.

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