Chapter 10

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A/n: and again Im sorry for the extremely late update... I had finished school! YaaS ANd its holiday mood on~ wuuw! Could you guess which Couple pov next? NamRi couple woop ! A.k.a the funniest out of alll maybe smh ok enjoy reading~♡

Yeri was sitting on a rock looking at the beautiful colourful fishes in the waterfall.. She kept on smiling when the fishes wave and did some tricks for her.. Namjoon jumped out from the bushes and he almost fell into the water..

"Oh My God! Are you okay?" Asked yeri helping namjoon to sit on one of the rocks.. Namjoon chuckled lightly.. "yeah.. Im fine.. How about you?" Asked namjoon back.. "Um I t-think Im fine too.." replied her and then there's this awkward silence between them..



"Oh goodness this is so awkward"

Said namjoon facepalming himself and groaned.. yeri noticed it and she giggled lightly because of his cute act.. "Hey.. do you want to um.. swim with me?" Asked namjoon and yeri widen her eyes...

"N-no its okay.. i dont know how too.. I'll just watch y-you from here.." replied her pushing his offer.. namjoon frowned but he smiled afterwards .. "Okay~ so im going to splash in.. its best if you could stay away for a while.." warned namjoon ... yeri had a plan tho..

She went behind namjoon and without warning, yeri pushed him into the water ..
"PRINCESSSSSSS~!!!" Yelled him struggling in the water and Yeri sat on the ground laughing her butt off  "AHHAHAHAHAHA IM SORRY ITS TOO FUNNY AHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH" laughed her...

Namjoon quickly get out of the water and picked yeri bridal style and yeri automatically stopped laughing and started to scream in fear "NAMJOON! NONONO PLEASE DONT! IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY~~~" screamed her but namjoon Chuckled..

"Too late" said him and jumped inside the water with yeri in his arms.. Both screamed and laughed out loud together ... moments of playing in the water, both of them get out and dried themself off..

"Hey.. that w-was fun..t-thank you Namjoon..." said yeri while drying her dress "Nawhhhhh ~ its nothing.. Im glad that you had fun... especially with me.." replied namjoon then blushed .. "Ayeeee you're blushing~~~~" teased yeri then laughed .. Namjoon laughed and ruffle her damp hair...

"Huh.. I wish i could stay here forever... I dont want to go home.." mumbled yeri but it could be heard.. "Eh? Why princess?" Asked namjoon out of curiosity.. "Look.. Im the youngest out of all and my dad a.k.a the king forced everyone of us to get married with some random prince! I mean like, how can you get married without exploring about love?" Ranted yeri ...

"So.. everyone of you must get married? Wow.. life is so unfair.." responded namjoon drying his hair... Yeri sighed.. namjoon was sad too cuz his princess is sad..

"I have an idea!" Said namjoon with his bright smile .. "I'll meet the King and Queen and ask for some blessings.." continued him and getting up.. yeri was a bit confused so she stood up too.. "Wait wait wait.. Blessings..? For w-what?" Asked her

"For us both? Duh?" Said namjoon and wanted to run away but yeri caught his wrist.. "Are you nuts?! You'll get killed you idiot!" Scolded yeri .. Namjoon frowned ..
"I thought that we like each other..." mumbled him but it could be heard..

❝ yeah.. we do like eac-- wait what??❞

❝ I knew it .. Please be mine? ❞

❝ Namjoon~~! You little brat! ❞

heheheheh~ oh god You're so beautiful ❞

A/N: tbh NamRi is the cutest tho.. can u not be cute ? Asdfghjkl ~ btw thank u so much for reading~ do vote and comment down below~ ily guys muah♡ see u on the next chapter bubyeee

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