Chapter 20

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"Im sorry"


"Im sorry for everything.. Now go.. go live a better life out there for this kingdom"

"Oh dad~"

Wendy ran out of the castle with tears of joy coming out from her eyes.. she ran into the woods to find for the love of her life..



And their eyes met...

Both of them ran and hugged each other like they had never met for ages ..

One day felt like a year..

❝ I m-miss you~ ❞

❝ I miss you too.. p-princess❞


'And now i pronounce , Princess Wendy and Prince Jungkook.. you may kiss the bride'

That day was magical.. Wendy smiled while eyeing the moonlight at her balcony .. she pulled her scarf closer and keep herself warm... they're finally together.. suddenly, two pair of strong arms hugged her from behind , causing her to gasp ..

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey handsome"

Wendy giggled and turned around to face him.. "Can you believe it? We're married" asked her while stroking his cheeks.. jungkook pecked her fingers and nodded.. "A healing princess and a werewolf.. we're so unique right?" Replied jungkook ..

"Im wondering.. if I get old one day.. and I look like a grandma, would you leave me just like that?" Asked wendy feeling insecure.. jungkook pecked her lips .. "the ones that has healing powers get to stay young... forever" whispered Jungkook while she blush..

"You look beautiful tonight.. you smell good too" continued him , sniffing her neck making her giggle.. he growled .. she giggled then crash their lips together ...

❝ I love you ❞

❝ I love you too ❞


Those two celebrated their night in their bedroom , expressing their love towards each other.. like there's no tomorrow

YOooooooo HAHAHAH one more chapter :3 HURRAY FOR WENKOOK! Pray so that they'll get beautiful babies k ♡ ahhahaha jkjk love u guys! Press the ✩ button!

The Wolf Boy & The Princess | j.j.k+s.s.wOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora