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Hello, readers! I have a new chapter that I hope you all enjoy. Before you begin reading, I'm letting y'all know that I posted a new book. *gasps* It's not Werewolf or Fantasy but is Chicklit/New Adult. It's "Mending Anastasia" and is about a young woman in college struggling with the after-math of her twin sister's death. I posted the first chapter a couple of days ago, and I'm BEGGING y'all to give it a shot and tell me what you think. Anyway, question time! What's your favorite sport? I love playing volleyball, but I prefer watching men's college basketball ;) (GO DUKE!!!) -May


In the early morning, I'm awakened by a smiling Josephine who's holding a steaming bowl of food. My eyes are heavy and droopy but the thought of breakfast makes my stomach growl. The dinner I had from Rebecca last night was just not enough.

Smiling back at the pack's doctor, I push myself up and rest against the bed's headboard. I can see the content in Josephine's hands now that I'm sitting up and notice my breakfast this morning is a hot bowl of oatmeal.

"Here you go, Aurora," Josephine first says to me, handing the bowl into my awaiting hands. "Not as good as Rebecca's oatmeal, but I added a spoonful of brown sugar for your liking."

I dig the spoon into the mush that's called oatmeal while lifting an eyebrow at her. How did she know that I like my oatmeal sweet? From beside me, someone chuckles in amusement, so I turn my head and see a freshly showered Zeus, who's washing down his bite of oatmeal with a deep sip of coffee.

"Of course, you told her." I say before taking a bite.

The smell of brown sugar, fire wood, and Zeus' after shave is a euphoric scent that makes me want to bottle it up and sell it as a signature scent for some celebrity. Or maybe I could bottle the scent and keep it for myself? Yeah, I prefer that, instead, I think.

I widen my eyes when I realize the whole time I was daydreaming about the amazing smells around, Josephine was talking to me.

"—ooks fine from what I've seen, so you're free to go back to the pack house as soon as you're done eating." Josephine smiles and says goodbye and leaves Zeus and me by ourselves.

"You should practice expression when you're not listening." His smart ass comment causes chills to go down my spine.

I roll my eyes at Zeus' comment and continue eating my breakfast. But as I sit in the clinic's bed and eat the oatmeal, I feel the corners of my lips tug upwards in amusement. I can feel Zeus' smile.

Around nine thirty, Zeus and I arrive back to the pack house with reddened cheeks from the harsh wind outside. The snow from yesterday has stopped, but the temperature has dropped like a storm is coming, which it probably is with the dark clouds outside.

There's not a creak inside the house, and I ask Zeus if anyone is home. Zeus, while untying his wet boots, pauses and glances at me as he's still bent over. Then, a mischievous grin appears on his face and he says, "Nope, out training or shopping for Christmas. Just you and me, baby." And the way he calls me baby makes me want to straddle his waist and drive him crazy with my kisses in the exact way he drives me crazy when he looks at me with his blue eyes.

I roll my eyes to cover up the fact that Zeus is smooth as fuck and unwrap my scarf from around my neck. I hang the cold material on the hooks nailed into the wall and take a step back when Zeus curls his bulky arms around my waist and pulls me towards him.

I squeal and laugh and try to pull his arms off my waist as I'm snuggled into his warm chest. But I fail and am stuck by arms that feel as heavy as chains.

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