Chapter three: cold ground part two

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I woke up to the chatter of people downstairs, and looked up at my alarm clock 12:00 p.m. Wow I didn't mean to sleep this late, I guess I was more tired than I thought. Tried to set up, but was stopped by two muscular arms. I being a slightly smart person slipped out from between his arms, and got up and dressed in a dark purple with white polka dot spaghetti strap sun dress. I then put on my black biker boots, turtle choker, and Supernatural butterfly earrings.

I went down stairs and to the kitchen witch was full of people. I sat down at the kitchen table with Sookie and grabbed a few cookies from the counter. "Good morning Liv. How do you feel?" She asked. I shrugged while eating the cookies in my hand. I then saw a flash of dirty blonde hair and a white sweatshirt. I got up and rushed to the form of my best friend since I was little, Joey. When he saw me coming he engulfed me in a huge bear hug; which is what he's best at.

"I'm so sorry Liv if I could have I would have been here sooner. Are you okay?" He worried.

"I'm fine just a little lost at the moment. Is anyone else here Dani maybe?" I asked barely above a whisper. Before he could answer we heard Sookie yell.

"Maxine Fortenberry you put that pie down right now." There was a small pause then, "This is Gran's pie." Then the chatter of thoughts began the erupt. 'The girl is crazy as a bedbug.' 'We all know you and your sister killed your grandmother.' 'After I spent all morning making this casserole.' They all came flooding in,and they wouldn't stop.

"Would y'all excuse us? I need Sookie and Liv upstairs." Tara said as she took Sookie and I by the arm while I grabbed Joey's and led us upstairs. Sam tried to say something but Tara cut him off. "Just give us a little girl time. Come on, Lafayette." She said ushering us upstairs.


"I shouldn't have lost it like that." Sookie stated.

"Don't you feel sorry for yelling at that snoopy old bitch. She's been sticking her nose where it don't belong for years." Tara retorted.

"I mean, if she talked any more shit, she'd be shaped like a toilet." Joked Lafayette. He and Tara laughed at his joke. Then a face of realization crossed Sookie's face.

"Gran's gone. She's really gone." Sookie said sadly.

"Yeah, she is." Said Tara.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Can't even think straight." Sookie mumbled.

"Well, of course you can't how can you with all these circling buzzards?" Tara asked. After that I just leaned on Joey for support. I had figured that the rest of my friends were not here, because if they were they would be holding me as if I were a scared child. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye Lafayette leave the room with Gran's pie in hand.

Joey had gotten up to use the bathroom when Jason came storming in, Sookie and I stood up to greet him. He then slapped both of us in one motion. "What the fuck?!" I heard Tara yell.

"It's your fault. Gran is dead because of you. It should have been you! Their screwing vampires, Tara. Fucking vampires!" He yelled trying to get out of Tara's grip.

Tara then yelled, "Yeah, well, those vampires were there for them when you weren't. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Is that how your grandma raised you? To beat on your own sisters? Look at you. I don't even recognize you anymore. Get the hell out of here. Get out! Get out!" Jason looked remorseful.

Hearing the commotion Joey came running into the room with a look of worry on his face. "Are you okay Liv?" He said worried.


I had to make Joey leave I told him that I would be fine. I had went and crawled back into bed and snuggled into Eric's chest; his warmth engulfed me and soon I was asleep again safe in my mates arms.

The next morning was Gran's funeral. I dressed in a black knee length dress with black flats. I tuned out most of the funeral, but then Uncle Bartlett was wheeled up the hill, on instinct I held joey's hand a little tighter. "Ow Liv my hand." I heard him mutter.

"Sorry. Sorry." I repeated. I heard my siblings argue over it.

"Sookie Stackhouse has prepared a few words. Honey? You wanted to say a few word?" The pastor said looking at Sookie. Sookie got up and walked to the podium.

"Adele Stackhouse was everything to me. She wasn't just me grandmother, she was my parent, my teacher...and my best friend." She started to hear the thoughts of the others as I had. 'Oh, please. If it weren't for you and your sister, she'd still be alive.' 'Thought they were good girls. You never know.' 'How dare you show your face.' 'Shame on you for even showing up here.'

Sookie continued, "To say she will be missed... just doesn't cut it because... I can't even imagine a world without her in it. She was always there... with a kind word and a hot meal... and a shoulder to cry on. Not just for me... but for everyone who knew her." Their thoughts became too much to handle. Sookie and I both snapped, "Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!" We screamed in unison.

I then got and ran as fast as I could away from everyone, and straight home not stopping once. I flung open the door and ran up the stairs and into my room. Eric sat up as I flung myself on the bed and into his arms. I began to cry letting all of the pain and suffering that I've ever had into his shirt. He just held me rubbing soothing circles on my back while whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

We sat there with just the sound of my sobs and his whispers filling the room. Once my sobs died down I was almost fallen asleep in his arms. Eric then pulled me down onto his chest and laid us back. We were soon both fast asleep.

Eric and I slept for the rest of the day.

Eric's pov (surprise)

Liv was laying in bed next to me when I woke up from my day rest; she looked so peaceful. I sat up with Liv still lying on my bicep. When I moved the shoulder of her shirt fell, and I saw something that shocked me. I saw scars from a knife on her left shoulder. They looked intentional put there, which I didn't like.

I grazed my fingertips over the freshest ones. She began to stir and opened her eyes. I'm guessing that I let my anger and worry show, because she shifted away and pulled her shirt up not making eye contact. "Liv why are those there." I said gesturing toward her shoulder as she got up. "Olivia!" I commanded.

"Life." She said barely above a whisper. This made me even angrier and it also filled me with sadness. 'What is this I am Eric fucking Northman I don't have feelings. She turned around and looked at me, she looked so broken all I wanted to do was to hold her. 'Shit!' I used my vamp speed to run up to her grabbed her waist with one hand and her head with the other.

I crashed my lips into hers being careful not to hurt her. She froze for a few seconds but then kissed back sending an electric shock throughout my body. I gently pushed her up against the wall. "Mine." I growled looking at her she was panting a little. I kissed down her neck my fangs flicked out making her gasp.

I looked up at her silently asking promotion, she nodded blushing as she realized that she was trapped. I bit down making her give a soft moan, I smirked against her skin liking that sound. I released her neck licking my marks biting my tongue and going back to kissing Liv. I shoved my tongue in her mouth feeding her my blood forming even more of a bond with her. I picked her up and sat her on her bed.

Pulling away from her I licked up the blood that had escaped her mouth. I looked down at her smiling knowing that I was hers and she was mine. I got up went over to Liv's movie cases and grabbed Jurassic World off of the shelf, went over to the tv put it in. We then laid in bed for the rest of the night watching movies kissing and talking about anything but her scars.

****End of chapter****

So finally some cute stuff and I hope you enjoyed it. I love all of you so BYE🐯🐢🐼🐍🦄

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