Chapter six: Plaisir D'amour

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Liv's pov

Longshadow had Sookie pinned to the table from what I could tell and Ginger was still screaming it was starting to make my head hurt. "Ginger, enough." Pam commanded.

"Thank you." Eric said in a board tone. Then Sookie started to scream I heard a roar then splat then nothing. I peaked out from behind Eric to see Sookie covers in blood then Ginger threw up. "Humans. Honestly, Bill, I don't know what you see in all of them." 'You do know that I'm right here right?' 'You are way more than human trust me.' He smirked. All through this Ginger continued to scream and Sookie looked terrified.

Sookie then got up and went to the restroom to clean up a little. Ginger got down on all fours and started to clean up what remains of Longshadow while rambling about something. "When Ginger is finished, glamour her for me." Eric stated coldly.

"Are you sure? She's been glamoured one too many times already. Who knows how much of her is left." Pam stated.

"It's either that or turn her. You want her?" He asked.

"Please, I'm not that desperate. Glamour it is." She said.

"Excellent." He retorted. Eric pulled me to his side and started walking in Bill's direction. "Come. I'll buy you a blood." He said walking to what I suspected to be his office. I'm was a little too tired to know where we were going. When we got to his office Eric put a bottle of true blood in the microwave to warm it up. I on the other hand went to curl up in Eric's chair. I knew that he sat in it a lot because there was an Eric sized dent in it.(This is what we say about my dad's rocking chair)

I was halfway asleep when I was picked up and sat back in Eric's lap. Next thing I know is that I feel like I'm flying, I opened my eyes to see that I'm in Eric's arms flying. 'This is so cool. How in the the world is this possible?' I then heard Eric chuckle and looked up to see him smiling at me. Then the ground began to get closer and closer until we landed in front of the door and Eric sat me down on my feet. When Sookie got out of the car that had just pulled in and opened the door she turned on the lights, and there was blood everywhere on the walls and floor.

"Don't look up." Bill said. In turn Sookie and I look up to see Tina hanging from the ceiling fan with no head blood splattered on Sookie causing both of us to scream. I turned into Eric's chest and started sobbing out of sheer horror and the loss of my cat. Eric ran me upstairs to my room and sat on my bed as I continued to cry, he sat down and pulled me into his arms and just let me cry until I fell asleep.

The next afternoon I woke up to my phone going off on my bedside table. "Merlotte's" flashed on the screen 'Oh shit I'm late for work.' I grabbed the phone and answered it. "Honey where are you?" Arleen asked.

"Sorry, I overslept." I rushed as I quickly got dressed and ran out of the door with my knife and keys in hand. I hopped in my truck and drove off towards Merlotte's. When I got to work Arlene was flashing her ring to everyone I just ignored her and went to go put my stuff away. My head started to pound and my vision began to blur. 'Damn visions.' I thought sitting down in a chair in Sam's office.

It's Me, Eric, Sookie, Bill, Pam, and some guy I haven't met yet standing in front of Merlotte's. There was no sound like in many of my non-important visions. Bill and Sookie kissing much to Eric's irritation of being late for something. Before Eric left he pulled me close to him and kissed me in a rough yet gentle way before walking off with the other three vampires. I caught a glimpse of the color around the vision before it faded 'Blue.' That meant that this was going to happen.

Okay so let me explain the colors. Blue means the event is definitely going to happen or was happening, red means it's already happened, and green means it's possible or could have another outcome.

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