Chapter four: Burning House Of Love

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Liv's pov

I guess I fell asleep watching Brave because when I woke up Eric was gone and it was time to get ready for school. I looked to see a note on the pillow next to me. I picked it up and started to read it on the way to my bathroom to get ready for school.

Dear Liv,

I'm sorry that I will not be there when you wake up , but I had business to attend to a Fangtasia that I didn't want to evolve you in. I also know that you would have to get up for school so I turned your alarm clock on p, so that you wouldn't be late. Have a good day at school and try to keep yourself out of trouble my love, and be careful wouldn't want to make me worry would you?

Love, Eric Northmen

'Wow his handwriting is so pretty' I thought as I sat the letter down to get changed. I took my clothes off, and got into the shower. After I got out I put on my black lace underwear set, I turned to the mirror to see the fresh cuts were all gone. 'So this is what vampire blood can do for you. Cool.' I finished getting ready went downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast with peanut butter on it. I grabbed my keys phone I also went back up to my room and picked up my knife clipping it to the waistband of my jeans.

I went downstairs locked the front door after petting Sookie's cat Tina.


Finally school is over yay took long enough. Now don't get me wrong I love school, but I just couldn't keep my shields up today. Oh yeah that and I was looking forward to not working and seeing Eric tonight. After I got home I changed into a black corset dress that shows off my breast nicely, and my biker boots. When I got to Fangtasia I saw Jason being glamoured by Pam. 'What's Jason doing here? Shit if he sees me I'm in for it.'

Once Jason was inside I walked up to the door. "Good evening Pam." I greeted with a smile. She gave me a nod to go in. First thing I see is my tall Viking sitting on his throne with his phone in hand looking bored as can be. I took out my phone and texted him 'look up.' When he got it he scanned the bar his eyes landing on me.

I walked towards him when I felt someone squeeze my ass. I squeaked and next thing I know I'm behind Eric who has this asshole who happens to be a vampire by his neck in the air. "She is MINE!" He growled.

"Y-yes sheriff I understand. I didn't know I'm truly sorry." The vamp stuttered. Eric let him go and he was gone like a bullet.

"Are you alright Liv? Did he hurt you?" He asked frantically searching my arms and face for injury.

"Eric I'm fine it's okay. I do have to pee though." I said he just chuckled and pushed my toward the restroom. When I got done I exited the restrooms to see my brother leaving with some girl and Eric pose then longshadow smash to girls phone. The girl got a little fussy, and walked away when they started laughing.

"Poor girl she just wanted a picture of the sexiest man in the world." I said as I walked onto the stage and sat in Eric's lap. He didn't say a word as he put his chin of my shoulder with a pleasant sigh. I felt myself slump against Eric as a vision came into view. I saw uncle Bartlett dead being thrown into the lake by Bill. When I looked around the edge of the vision I saw that the were blue which meant that no matter what this vision was going to happen or was just recently done.

When I came out of my vision I was sitting in a chair in what looked like an office with Eric pacing next to me with worry and fear coming off of him in waves. When he noticed that I was more alert he ran in front of me and crouched so that we were eye. "What happened? Was that what your visions are like?" He asked.

"Yes Eric that's what me being in a vision looks like." I answered as he hugged me in relief. He then sat on his desk that's when my stomach growled. My face was red instantly while Eric was laughing his ass off he almost fell off the desk. His laughter sounded like music. Then he took me to dinner and took me home. He told me good night a flew off.

The next morning I woke up and went to school. At the beginning of third block right before lunch I was called up to the office and told that Sookie call and that I had the rest of the day off do to her car breaking down. Which I later found out was a lie me out of school because the police had found four coffins with vampire remained inside.

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.🎄🎉

🐯🐢🐼🐍🦄 Bye!

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