Chapter 15: Release Me

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 I jumped from my spot on the floor and ran to the cage door to get a better look. Then I heard, “Godric! Liv! Godric, can you hear me?,” Come from the other side of the basement. It sounds like Sookie. Then I heard the woman say, “ Isabel and Eric sent us! Liv!” Then they started talking in a normal tone.

 I looked back at Godric’s sleeping form then yelled, “ Sook? Sookie we’re in here! We’re okay.”

 “Liv? Thank goodness you’re okay,” she yelled relieved. Is Godric with you? Is he okay?”

 “Yeah he’s fine. He’s just sleeping. Sook he’s the other mate I’ve told you about for so long. He’ll be up in a couple of hours. He doesn’t talk much though,” I told her excitedly.

 “Oh well that’s wonderful Liv,” she said. Night fell and Godric played cards with me all night. I even found uno and taught him how to play. He picked it up really quickly. I was pulled into a vision once again. This time of Eric, Isabel, and Stan in the hallway at the hotel talking, “And you… they’ve got your maker and you telepaths,” Stan commented. Eric spun around and I was pulled out. 

 Godric then brought me into his arms and I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to Steve talking to my sister. Sookie sounded irritated. “Why don’t you leave my sister the fuck alone ya fuckwad,” I said as they had finished talking. 

  “Shut up you fang bangin’ whore,” he retorted. 

 “Why don’t you come over and make me you tiny peckered bitch,” I yelled. I could see I was making him mad. 

 “I guess no breakfast for you then, whore,” he spat and walked up the stairs.

 “How do you know my brother?,” Sookie yelled after he and Gabe. 

 “Wait what!” I yelled.

“They know Jason somehow, I don’t know how though,” Sook replied. I layed back down after that and tried to go back to sleep. 

When night rolled around again Godric and I cuddled and talked for a little bit until we heard yelling coming from the other side of the room. “Stop it!,” I heard Sookie scream.

“What’s wrong? Your own kind not good enough for you huh?,” I hear Gabe. The screaming started after that. I rushed to the cell door banging and pushing on it trying to get it open.

“Stay away from her! Let her go you creep!,” I screamed trying to pry open the do to the cage. Sookie kept streaming, next thing I know I’ve been moved out of the way, the door is broken and Godric is inside the cage with my sister. I ran to the cage to see her dress ripped open and she’s on the floor. Godric’s on a crate holding Gabe by the collar of his shirt. 

I ran to Sookie to make sure she’s physically okay and I hear her say, “ Godric,” as she stared in aw.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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