3: could it be?

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Simon's P.O.V.

I walked out of his room trying to hold back tears. Trying to stay strong about it all.

I just want to know what happen. What happen that he can't tell me? I know that we haven't talked in a while, but he hasn't even told Tobi what happened.

But that's Josh, he worries about everyone else but himself. He always forgets about himself.

"You're already leaving?" Tobi asked as I nodded and grabbed Vik's hand, "I need you Simon. Josh needs you. I don't know what's going on and I'm really worried."

"Well I don't know what you want me to do. He won't say anything to me. He doesn't want me here." I said as Vik stopped me.

"He might not want us here, but he might need us here." Vik said as I looked down at the ground.

"Why should I help the guy that broke my heart?" I said as I looked up for a second to see them giving each other glances, "what aren't you guys telling me?"

"Josh.....after you found Josh and that guy.....Josh came running to me. Saying all these things, things I really couldn't understand-" Tobi started as Vik cut him off to speak.

"-so Tobi called me up and started to talk to me, but in that exact moment oh were texting me everything that happened. So I thought Tobi was making it up to cover for Josh." Vik said as he looked at Tobi with a sympathetic look.

"I didn't think of anything when Josh went back to his old ways. But the way he distant himself from everyone and the way he would wince at any touch-"

"And now the fact that he is flunking out-" Vik said supporting Tobi.

"I think something is wrong. I don't know what is, but I don't think Josh did what you think he did." Tobi said as I just looked at him confused.

"So you're telling me, the guy that I had constant nightmares over, just remembering the moment over and over again, of him breaking my heart by cheating on me, isn't true?" I said as they both looked at each other and then back at me and nodded.

"Pretty much." Vik said as I just shook my head.

"What did he exactly say Tobi?" I asked as he sat down and we sat with him.


"Now remember, I had no idea what he was talking about and I just, I don't know." Tobi said as we both nodded.

"Tobi, it's okay. We're here for you." Vik said grabbing his hand rubbing it.

"Okay so Josh kind of just walked into my dorm freaking out. He was sweating and was only wearing a pair of boxers. At first I thought maybe, just maybe he was pulling a prank on me; I realized it wasn't a prank. He started to say things like i didn't mean to do it or things like I don't know what happened I had no control. I didn't have a clue so I brought him over and sat him down and when I tried to grab his hand he started to freak out and screamed. I was lucky enough to get him to stop before someone came over. He then started to yell GET OFF OF ME, I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT HIM. He started to cry hysterically and then just lied down and cried until he fell asleep. That's then when Vik, broke up with me and that was it." He said as I felt myself breaking.

"He couldn't have been.....you know?" Vik said as we turned to him.

Dan ❤️: hey where are you
Simon 💕: sorry I'm out with friends it was an emergency
Dan ❤️: when will I see you
Simon 💕: soon okay

I put my phone back in my pocket as we all looked at each other.

"What do we do now?" Tobi asked as I just shrugged my shoulders.

A/N: sorry this came out so late guys. Also sorry about not uploading yesterday, it was Election Day and I just wasn't in the mood.

Also, trump is the president. I minus well just kms now. Woo go America, while everyone in Europe is going to Upload I'm stuck here listening to people talk about politics. I totally don't hate my life at the moment. This is totally not sarcasm (*sarcasm)

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