15: soulmates

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ZerkaaPunk: so I know it's stupid
ZerkaaPunk: you know texting you
ZerkaaPunk: because of everything that happened
ZerkaaPunk: but there was something inside of me that told me that you were listening
ZerkaaPunk: that if I text you you were there
ZerkaaPunk: idk maybe I'm just crazy
ZerkaaPunk: but I always feel crazy when I think of you
ZerkaaPunk: so I guess what I'm saying is that I wanted to let you know what's been going on
ZerkaaPunk: this is stupid and I know Tobi and Vik will make fun of me
ZerkaaPunk: anyway so it's been about a year and my life has turned around
ZerkaaPunk: for a really long time drugs were my way of escape
ZerkaaPunk: escaping from the fact that you were gone and I didn't really know if I was going to recover
ZerkaaPunk: Tobi and Vik would yell at me and I wouldn't care
ZerkaaPunk: I was in pain
ZerkaaPunk: I felt broken and far too corrupt for repair
ZerkaaPunk: why am I doing this
ZerkaaPunk: I miss you so much Si
ZerkaaPunk: everything in my life feels like shit without you
ZerkaaPunk: I don't know what to do
ZerkaaPunk: okay I'm sorry
ZerkaaPunk: just texting you
ZerkaaPunk: it feels like the old days
ZerkaaPunk: oh how much I miss those days
ZerkaaPunk: Tobi and Vik are engaged
ZerkaaPunk: funny how they've just moved on and I just can't
ZerkaaPunk: Vik knew you his whole entire life
ZerkaaPunk: I've known you for 3 years
ZerkaaPunk: and somehow I'm the one that's all fucked up
ZerkaaPunk: I thought maybe if I text you all these amazing things
ZerkaaPunk: then maybe somehow I would be happy
ZerkaaPunk: but I'm not Si
ZerkaaPunk: yeah I got a job
ZerkaaPunk: it was the job I always dreamed of having
ZerkaaPunk: you know the one at soccer news
ZerkaaPunk: I remembered in AP chemistry we used to just read it when we finished our projects
ZerkaaPunk: somehow we always had the same opinion on who we though would we and who we though would lose
ZerkaaPunk: Tobi and I would never agree
ZerkaaPunk: I remember when you told me I was the only person besides your brothers you could talk about soccer with
ZerkaaPunk: that made me feel really special actually
ZerkaaPunk: I miss you Si
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your laugh
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your voice
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your sense of humor
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your witty comebacks
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your stupidly hilarious puns
ZerkaaPunk: I miss your embrace
ZerkaaPunk: I miss the feeling of safety
ZerkaaPunk: the feeling of warmth
ZerkaaPunk: I miss the touch of your hand on mine
ZerkaaPunk: I miss the delicate kisses we would exchange
ZerkaaPunk: I miss cuddling and watching the soccer games
ZerkaaPunk: I miss all of the little things
ZerkaaPunk: from the way you would complain about how you could never get your hair the exact color you want
ZerkaaPunk: from saying you were too fat while me and everyone else knew you were just perfect
ZerkaaPunk: to all the way in which you would complain about your teeth being too big
ZerkaaPunk: all your little flaws and all your amazing things made you you
ZerkaaPunk: and that's what I love and miss
ZerkaaPunk: I can't do it anymore Simon
ZerkaaPunk: I'm saying goodbye

"That was the day your uncle Josh left us." I said to the kids as they went up to Tobi and I hugged us.

"You're uncles weren't just friends, but also soulmates." Tobi said.

"Like you and daddy?" Little Lylo asked.

"Yes, just like daddy and I." I said laughing.

A/N: so that's it. That's the end of Messaging You. I hope you guys enjoyed this.

I haven't decided exactly what I'm going to write next so for now I'm not going to be uploading. Once I decide I'll let you guys know.

So yeah, that's all, thanks for reading. Bye!

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