13: choices

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Josh's P.O.V.

"Simon........Simon died Josh. Dan killed him."

I remember hearing those few words like it was just yesterday, when it's actually been a week.

Here I am at my so called 'home' to mourn the one person I took advantage of and never truly deserved.

"You okay?" Tobi asked rubbing my arm.

"I don't know Tobi, would you be okay?" I said as he just frowned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just....I know this is hard." He said sitting down on my bed.

"My dad is happy that I'm out of the hospital, but he didn't feel the need to come and see me. All he did was tell me that once this whole entire thing with 'Simon' is over I'll be working at his company." I said as Vik walked in.

"You're kidding?" Tobi said in shock as I shook my head.

"You're not going to stay with that homophobic freak, he doesn't care about you. It's your turn to stand up. You're coming with us." Vik said sitting next to me.

"You guys live on campus, I don't think they'll be okay with me staying there." I said as they both smiled.

"We're getting a place together. We thought you could stay there and get a job and help pay for the rent?"

"Our parents are paying the first two months but then it's up to us, so?" Tobi asked finishing off Vik's.

"I don't want to trouble you guys and I don't even know what I would do for a job. I mean, I don't have anything and I just got out of the hospital." I said laughing as they both shook their heads.

"With your grades, you'll be able to get a job anywhere." Vik said as Tobi nodded.

"You were excepted into the top three Ivy League schools. You're the smartest person I know and that might not mean that much, but it's a hell of an accomplishment."

"We can also point out that you hacked into google once, that is probably one of the most protected sites." Vik said finishing off Tobi.

"I don't know maybe I should just stay here. With Simon." I said as they picked up my head so I wasn't looking at the ground.

"Simon wouldn't want you to do that, you and I both know that. Simon was my best friend and the one thing he would always bring up about ZerkaaPunk is how you wanted to get away from this shit hole. Don't make Simon the reason why you won't leave." Vik said as I knew that was the truth.

"I miss him." I said trying my hardest not to break down.

"We all miss him."

Messaging You -minizerk AU- (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now