14: eulogy

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Josh's P.O.V.

We all left to go to Simon's funeral. We decided to take Vik's car to the funeral house because he is the best with directions.

As we passed by house after house I remembered walking down the path with Simon. I remember when we had the whole entire fight with JJ to show Simon that I truly loved him. He was my first love, my first boyfriend, my best friend and soulmate. I don't know if I'll ever find someone like him ever again.

"You okay?" Tobi asked turning to look at me.

"As good as I can be. So many memories and so little time that we had to make more." I said as Tobi smiled.

"Now we'll make new memories, forge our path in this world and never look back. This is our time." He said smiling as I shook my head agreeing.

"We're here." Vik said parking the car.

I looked at the funeral home. All I could see and all I could feel was pain. Pain is not visible in the eyes of a human, but pain is visible in the eyes of the dead. Simon didn't deserve this. It's all my fault that this had occurred. He deserved so much more.

We walked inside to be greeted by his brother, Nick.

"Hey Vik, Tobi, and......Josh!" He said my name almost in shock as I smiled.

Vik and Tobi went ahead as I stayed behind to talk to Vik.

"I wasn't expecting you to come. How are you?" He asked as I smiled at him.

"I'm good Nick, how are you?" He smiled back seeing me smile.

"I'm good. I hope you'll give a speech for my brother."

"I don't have anything prepared, but I would love to." I said as he nodded and I left to go sit down next to Tobi and Vik.

His mum went up to give a speech.

"Thank you all for coming. Thank you for taking the time to remember Simon and to celebrate his life. He was like any other boy, he loved to watch football and to play football. He was always so energetic and all though he only had one real friend he was happy. He was always so happy and that's what I loved most about him. He always brought a smile to my face. Thank you all for attending. I will always remember my son for his bubbly and enthusiastic personality and I hope all you will to. One of his closest friends, his boyfriend, is going to give a speech now. Come on up Josh." She said stepping down as I got up.

My stomach started to fill with butterflies and my heart started to beat out of my chest. As I reached the front and saw Simon's photo, he was smiling and so full of life he was truly happy. My palms started to get all sweaty and I stood upon the podium looking at all the people staring.

I cleared my throat and started to speak, "I didn't get the chance to know Simon until senior year of high school, in AP chemistry

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I cleared my throat and started to speak, "I didn't get the chance to know Simon until senior year of high school, in AP chemistry. We actually met before that, online in a little college chat. He was known as MiniPastel and I was ZerkaaPunk. We talked hours upon hours about our families, about our families dreams for us, and then we would talk about our own dreams. Simon wasn't like anyone else I have met before, he didn't judge me because of how I looked. He embraced it. I looked like a punk, a bad boy, someone who treats others like crap, but that isn't me. I just like dressing like that. I like tattoos for their meanings, I like piercings just because they look cool. Simon wasn't like anyone else because he looked past that and I looked past his look. We got to know what was on the inside. I think that was something really important that Simon taught me, to never judge someone because then you'll never get those opportunities ever again. You just have to believe in the good of others and then you'll see where that takes you. For Simon and I, well we fell in love in an instant. We didn't realize right away that we were talking in real life and online, and there was a few bumps when we found out about it all. I almost lost him, but then I learned that I have to fight for what I love and what I love is Simon. I always have and always will. Simon will be forever remembered for his beautiful personality and gorgeous smile. But most of all his humongous heart, that excepts all. Goodbye Simon Minter, you will always be remembered and always hold a place in my heart."

I got down and sat back down with Tobi and Vik. We all got up and said our goodbyes, praying for him and his family. I went up and took something out of my pocket.

"Go on without me. I need to do something," I said to Tobi and Vik as they nodded, "hey, what's up? This is kind of awkward but I'm going to do it anyway. Before the whole thing with Dan went down and when we were truly happy I told myself that I didn't want anyone else. I believed that there was no one left for me and I know that's true. You are my best friend, my first and only love, my soulmate. That is why I'm leaving this with you. It's an engagement ring. I will never stop loving you and I want you to keep this in your pocket right by your heart. Goodbye Simon, I'll see you again."

I got up and left, not looking back.

A/N: so this is the second to last chapter. Sorry I haven't uploaded in quite some time now, I've been taking a bit of a break because I kind of was just tired of writing so much. So yeah.

But here I am, I'm back for good. I don't know what my next book will be, but I'll see what my brain can come up with. I love you and I wanted to say thank you for all your support you all are truly amazing. Bye!

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