that darn sheldon cx

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i saw this episode last night and nearly DIED LAUGHING!! X"D

  "The Big Bang Theory" The Bad Fish Paradigm (2008)


Sheldon: I'm baaack!

Leonard: I still don't know why you left.

Sheldon: I can't tell you.

Leonard: Why not?

Sheldon: I promised Penny.

Leonard: You promised Penny what?

Sheldon: That I wouldn't tell you the secret. Ssh!

Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret.

Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell dad!

Leonard: Not *that* secret! The other secret!

Sheldon: *BATMAN VOICE* I'm Batman! Ssh! *regular voice* XD


there's more to this part but this is all i found flat out funny!! If you haven't seen this then you must :D


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