OMF(G) #6

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                                                 "So what does god do?

                                    if he's not helping us, what is he doing?"

                                "What Does God's Spirit Do for Us and in Us?"

                 God's Spirit is both powerful and practical. It is powerful for it comes from God; it is a part of Him. God, through the One who became Jesus Christ, created the universe through His great Spirit of power. God's Spirit is also practical. Through the Holy Spirit, human beings can live in a more productive and fruitful way.


                         A lot of people tend to get mad when God doesn't come through for them and say, "he doesn't exist." (i'm not gonna say i've never had those thoughts or anything but i will say i've had faith in him every time) but when he does you have nothing to say or possibly, "oh, thank god." I mean you can't be thankful for him when something good happens and and then when something bad happens you're completely against him. I mean if you believe in him already you need to have faith all the time that the good things he has waiting for you will come above all the bad things that's already happened. God already created earth I mean isn't that enough, now it's up to us to protect it and help to do so and we can't do if we're "sometimey" with him. God is always there all the time he sees your good descisions, and bad ones, but he puts obstacles or puts you in a predicament all the time in life, good or bad, to see if you can handle it.

i can defintely tell you one thing my family has been in those exact predicametns and let me tell you it's not easy, but i have to believe all of that will turn around. for the most part he did save my mom from death, she could've died, but no she's here because she still ahs purpose. now i still ask why did god take my dad away from us, he was so exceptional at everything that he did, yet it still makes me wonder today.

                     If you hadn't noticed God also puts people here to inspire us to believe in him even more. those of few who something terrible happens to for example: Based on the abduction of Amber Hagerman, who was then murdered in Arlington, Texas, in 1996. Ultimately resulting in The 'AMBER ALERT'  to help protect other people's children from going missing and etc. AMBER is officially a backronym for America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) An AMBER Alert or a Child Abduction Emergency is an alert system. Originating in the United States in 1996, there are now similar systems in a number of other countries. I know that's not fair for that previous person but maybe that program will help save someone else's family or parents from that heartache.

Another example is Bethany Hamilton, (born from a Christian family) a young american professional surfer, who was bitten by a tiger shark and had her arm ripped off basically. now you say well what happened? did she live? how did she cope? yes she did and well let's just say it wasn't easy (yet possible to overcome) but she pulled through in such an amazing way. it also inspired the 2011 motion picture biopic, 'Soul Surfer'.

                    After that she's inspired many to not let something horrific in life hold you back from having faith in God. that also helped her see that there was more to life than surfing therefore she helped donate to tsunami vicitms and taught them how to surf etc. (well in the movie that is but that's a good example anyway.) She also received, in 2004, at 14 years of age the ESPY Award for Best Comeback Athlete and a Teen Choice "courage award" for having so much courage and faith in God such a terrible happening in her life. she was determined to not let that obstacle keep her from surfing again bc it was her life and that's what kept her going though the whole ordeal. it really inspired me and my mom to not let life bring you down all the time because of loss and mishaps; made us complain less about life. but still we all complain bc we want to be happy yet God has a plan and he's working it out just for you.



my mom says God will make up for all the bad happenings in our life and it will be 20 x's better than before and I am gonna believe. therefore, are you gonna believe? if not then I cannot help you any firther.

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