Author's Note

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Date Started: November 13, 2016
Date Ended: -

Before we get started...

This is my first time writing a story so please bare with me. I don't know exactly where this story will go or how it will end up, but I hope you all enjoy it!

Also, I enjoy listening to music while reading books. I think it adds a certain mood and feel to the reading and just really emmerses me into the story or setting.

So, I've decided that I will occasionally put song recommendations or an ambience that you can listen to in the background while reading, to help you understand the mood or tone I was trying to convey while writing a part.

Song suggestions will be inside of these things:
《 song title - artist》
Or I'll put the audio in the media box so make sure you check that every chapter, please.

Please do not play the music until I tell you, because usually the song is for a certain scene. I will ALWAYS tell you when to play it.

Of course you don't have to listen to the songs that I recommend. It's  completely up to you. However, I really hope you guys listen to the music while reading because I really want you feel the emotions I felt while writing it.

I do not own any of the songs, videos/gifs used in the story.

I plan on making this a long story. Hopefully in the end everything will turn out well.

Thank You!

P.S. The first few chapters start off slow, BUT THEY DO GET BETTER! I don't want to rush into things...

Like I mentioned in the story description, mature content will appear. I will not warn you ahead of time because I feel like it ruins the anticipation.

Can you trust me? XD

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