Chapter 14: Morosis

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(n.) the stupidest of stupidities.

Days later...

Now back in the comfort of their own home after a long day, Jungkook sat in the dark living room as he played Overwatch. Taehyung liked to eat popcorn as he watched him play.

Taehyung noticed Jimin as he smiled down at his glowing screen in the pitch dark living room. He's been on it all day, everyday. Whenever he heard a ping, Jimin was lightning fast to open, read and answer the text.

Jimin was giggling.

"What's so funny?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Huh?" Jimin snapped into reality.

"What's making you smile so much?"

Jungkook glanced over at Jimin, then back at the t.v.

"Just some girl," Jimin informed. Although, it wasn't just some girl. He just didn't want his member all in his business. If one person knew, the whole group knew.

Jungkook was now interested.

"Obviously she's not just some girl, hyung. You've been texting this girl for the past few days now and you've been acting all weird lately." Taehyung laughed.

Which was true. Although Jimin was naturally an adorable, nice human being on his own, recently he's been extra fluffy.

Jimin chuckled again at another received text.

"See!" Taehyung pointed out. "You've never laughed like that at my texts."

"That's because this girls actually funny." Jimin remarked.

"Very funny." Taehyung scoffed. Slightly butthurt by Jimin's statement.

"Yeah," Jimin laughed, "unlike you!" He teased.

"But in all seriousness hyung, can I get a name or something?"

Jungkook was listening.

"Mmm, let's just say she beautiful, funny, and smart."

"That surely narrows it down." Taehyung leaned back in the recliner, tossed another popcorn in the air, and tried to catch it in his mouth but missed.

"aaaaaaand, I met her a few days ago." Jimin smiled. "Last Monday to be exact."

"Jimin, I have no idea where you were last Monday, nor do I know who you were with. You know that." Taehyung was getting irritated by the boy beating around the bush.

Jungkook was too, although he acted like he wasn't listening or cared. In all honesty, he knew exactly who it was. He just wanted to hear his hyung say it.

"And she's a fan of ours," Jimin stalled.

"Spit it out already!" Taehyung yelled.

"Okay, okay.." Jimin laughed.

"Her name is Janelle."

Jungkook was surprised that your name didn't come out of his mouth. Why would Jimin spend that whole day talking and laughing, bonding, with you, if he was just going to text Janelle all this time? Jimin and Janelle barely talked that night -or at least that's what he could recall. From what he could remember, Janelle was all over Hoseok. When did Jimin get the chance to get her number?

"What about Y/N?" Jungkook asked, confused himself about why he even questioned it. He should be happy, but he wasn't. He was pissed.

"What about her?" Jimin asked, lowering his phone.

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