Chapter 18: Rehearsal 3

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"More." Conductor Byung demanded as he flailed his arms around.

"More!" He yelled.

The bow hairs were in contact with the stick from how hard you were playing.

By now, you knew the music like the back of your hand. You came in on time, and you didn't even have to look at the music. You just listened. The movements of your fingers came automatically.

You were engrossed in the music.

All your worries, all your fears, all your troubles, went away when this wooden instrument was under your chin. All of it seemed to be channeled and released through the pressure of your bow, and the quick movement of your fingers.

It gave you an escape from the demanding reality you lived in; allowing your soul to roam free into new explorations.

Anything outside of your ears was paltry. Anything outside of your body was of no importance.

The song came to an end.

Conductor Byung's slowly lowered his arms.

"That's it for today everyone. Great rehearsal." He said as he closed the score book.

"Y/N, in my office please. Everyone else, pack up." He stepped off the podium and walked to his office.

You could feel the smart remark coming any second.

"Somebody's in trouble." The snarky voice was right on cue.

Second hair violinist, Gavin was always so quick to say the unnecessary, or to point out something wrong with you. Whether it be 'you forgot the bow lift at measure 53' or 'your staccato isn't clean enough' he always had something smart to say.

"Shut up." You snapped back at him.

"I'm just saying, maybe all your mistakes are finally catching up to you." You saw a grimace forming on his smug face.

Oh how you wished you could backhand the glasses right off his face.

As you slowly untightened your bow, you watched him stand up on the chair and face the orchestra, "Everyone you're looking at your new concert master!" He shouted.

Nobody really paid any attention to him. It was too loud due to the mixture of scooting chairs, chattering and muffling papers.

Ever since highschool he's always been runner up to you in the orchestra. You sometimes, you seriously thought he transferred here solely to annoy you.

You used to fight back and bicker with him years ago, but you saw he got some type of amusement from it. So you thought no reaction was the best reaction.

And it was.

Poker faced you, packed up your things and headed towards the office.

Case in hand, you knocked on the office door.

"Come in." The muffled voice said.

You slowly opened the door and stepped in. He was busily signing papers on his desk.

You swallowed, "You wanted to speak with me Mr. Byung?"

He fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Ah yes, Ms. L/N. Please sit."

You couldn't tell if you were in trouble or not based off his monotoned voice.

You sat in the chair directly across from him and set your instrument down next to you.

He was silent as he finished signing those wordy papers then set is pen down and looked up at you.

You rapidly tapped your foot.

"Ms. L/N there's be-"

"Look if this is about the gum underneath your podium... I know I'm the closest one to you, but I didn't do it!" You blurted out.

He stared at you blankly before rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "Y/N, you're not in trouble. Relax." He sighed.

You leaned back in your seat. "Oh."

He chuckled, "It's rather good news actually."

Your brows raised. "Good news?"

"Do you know what the MFA Awards are?"

"Yes sir. The Music and Fine Arts Awards."

He slowly nodded.

"You saw me filling out all these forms just now, right?"

You nod eagerly wanting him to get to the point.

He continued, "Well the other day I got an email from the head director of the awards. He asked for one of our violinist to perform a solo."

You felt your stomach knot up and your eyes widen to the fullest. Involuntarily your body shot up from the seat.

"Me?? You-u want me to perform at the MFA Awards!?"


A/N: yeeEt

It was a slap in the face.

"I'm just kidding." He laughed.

You forcefully laughed with him.

He knew of the rivalry between you two and just wanted to mess with you.

"Are you serious?" You asked.

"Unless you want Gav-"

"Thank you so much!" You chimed, cutting him off before he could say the wretched name.

"Here's the paper work that you need to fill out, and other miscellaneous things." He handed you a packet.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" You jumped up and down pressed the packet against you chest.

"Alright alright. Get out now." He bluntly said, shooing you away with his pen.

You quickly grabbed your case and opened the door.

You peeked your head back in before the closing the door completely.

"Love you." You whispered then closed the door.

He smiled down at the papers.

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