Chapter 16: Kalopsia

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(n.) the delusion of (seeing) things being more beautiful than they really are.

"So where do you want to go, Jimin?" you asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter," he said. "I'm cool with anything you choose."

"You didn't already have a place in mind?" You asked a little disappointed.

Jimin stared out the window, "Umm, no not really." He chuckled a bit. He completely forgot about this winning meal since the day he went shopping with you. He had been too distracted by something else lately. The only reason he remembered today was because Hoseok, who should've won, reminded him this morning about it.

"Oh." You laughed. "Just pick something off the top of your head."

Jimin quickly scanned the area you were in, "Mmm, how about there?" He pointed at a the first restaurant he saw, then turned to you for approval.

"Are you sure?" You remembered the boys saying that Jimin was very indecisive and were taken aback from him making a decision so fast.

"Yeah, here's good." He shrugged.

You nod in agreement, "okay,"


The waiter brought your food to the table.

"Thank you," you and Jimin both said. The waiter bowed, then left.

A smile was plastered on your face while you got out your utensils from the wrapped up napkin. Jimin did so as well.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I'm surprised you picked here," you said before putting a seasoned fry in your mouth. "You could've pick anywhere and I still would've paid."

"I know, I just really wanted to eat already." He smiled at you with his pearly whites.

"Can't argue with that."

You continued eating your fries as you watched Jimin pick up his hamburger and stuff it in his mouth. His little hands could barely hold the burger securely. He was so cute.

"I'm sorry, I know you always get teased about this... but your hands are so adorable!" You chimed.

A tint of red rushed to his cheeks as he attempted to hide his hands under the table.

His eyes formed a straight line as he smiled, "I know, I get that alot. Thanks."

You giggled at his sheepish act. Then went to pick up your hamburger and took a bite.

His phone vibrated.

You watched him take his phone out of his pocket as you chewed with a full mouth. You saw him quickly tap on the screen a few times, then put it back in his pocket.

"So how's work going?" He suddenly asked.

You put the hamburger down and fixed your posture. "Well it's going. It's not the worst job in the world, but you know, things gotta get paid." You took a sip of your coke.

"I know how that is." He mumbled.

You almost choked at his words as you set the cup down. "How could you know how that is?" You laughed. "You have a job most people could only dream of."

"It's not always butterflies and rainbows," he sighed. "There's a lot of work that goes into everything you see on your screen or on stage. From staying up late hours, to rigorous schedules. Little to no sleep. A lot of times, we don't even have a say in what goes." He exclaimed. "I'm always trying to better myself. I'm always working. I'm always practicing. We all are. It's exhausting at times."

You nod.

"But it's all worth it. When I'm on stage and I see ARMY." His eyes were a straight line again.

He so amazing and hardworking.

"I used to want to be an idol when I was younger." You grinned as you looked down at your plate.

"And then what?" He asked.

"I found something else that I love."

"Which was?"


His phone vibrated.

He quickly took it out of his pocket. He chuckled at something on his phone, tapped a few times then put it away.

"H-how's Janelle?" He popped.

Your eyes widened a bit.

"Oh." You let out a nervous laugh. "She's doing alright." You nod. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." He grinned toying with his straw.

"Ah well, yeah. I actually spent the night over at her house yesterday."

Jimin's face lit up in interest. "Really? What did you guys do?"

Your lips formed into a smile when thinking about the girl. "Mmm just the usual stuff girls do."

Like popping back pimples and looking at each others shit.

He smiled. "Sounds like fun."

"But like I was saying-"

"What does she do for fun?" He asked.

Your smiled faltered a bit. "I ah, remember she likes to read."

"What type of books?"

"I don't really know. Romantic dramas I think."

He seemed satisfied with that answer.


Jimin's phone vibrated for the billionth time on the table. You had three missed calls from your mother because your phone was tucked away, on silent, in your bag.

So badly you wanted to ask him if he could turn off his phone. But, you didn't want to seem rude, even though he kind of was.

You patiently wait for him to finish whatever he was doing on his phone as you admired his stubby little fingers move a mile a minute across the screen. You heard a giggle come from him then he sat the phone down on the table again.

His eyes met your ogling ones.

He bashfully smiled, "I'm sorry Y/N,"

"No, no no. It's okay." You shook your head as you grinned.

He took a sip of his drink "Actually, there's been something I wanted to tell you since a few days ago."

You quickly swallowed the fry you had in your mouth. Your heart beat faster. "Yeah?" Your eyes widened.

"Jungkook was asking about you the other day."

Your smile slowly faltered, "Oh. What was he saying?"

Jimin scratched the surface of the plate with his fork. "He asked about how we were talking at your place that one time."


"That's all."

You puckered you lips. "Oh. Okay." Not understanding why he wouldn't elaborate on the story, you let out an awkward laugh.

"Come to think of it, he talks about you a lot." He realized.

Your eye brows quickly jumped at that. Not paying too much attention to that detail, it completely slipped your mind as you stared at the beautiful boy in front of you.


You guys continued to talk and eat. After a little bit, you paid and left.

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